Friday 18 December 2015

Civil Law

AFFIDAVIT (N) written declaration of fact, made under oath (or affirmation) of the party making it
AGENCY (N) a relationship in which one party is legally authorised To act on behalf of another
AMERCE (V) to punish by fine

ANNUL (V) to make or declare invalid or void
ATTEST (V) To state a fact in writing and swear to its truthfulness
BARRISTER (N)     IN Canada, a lawyer who represents clients in any court; in England and Wales, lawyer who represents clients in higher law courts
BEQUEATH (V) to leave property to someone after death by means of will; hand down knowledge or practice to posterity
COMMON LAW (N) law derived from custom and precedents rather than statutes
CONSERVATOR (N) one authorised to protect interests of another who is legally incompetent

DECEDENT (N) a deceased person

DECREE (N) an official legal, order for administrating and/or managing another's assets
DEMUR (V) to claim that even if another party's facts are true there is no legitimate claim or legal recourse
DEPOSITION (N) the process of giving a sworn evidence; testimony
ESCROW (N) money, property, or a written bond that is kept in the custody of a third party until a specified condition has been Fulfilled
FELONY (N) a crime, usually involving violence and regarded by the law as grave
FIDUCIARY (N) trustee charged with the legal responsibility
FORENSIC (N) of or used in connection with courts of law
FRANCHISE (N) a right or privilege granted by authority (especially, suffrage •- the right to vote)
HABEAS CORPUS (N) a writ requiring a person to be produced in court to investigate the legality of his / her detention
IMPEACH (V) to discredit; to charge somebody with a crime or misdemeanour
INDEMNIFY (V) to restore a victim of a loss to the same position as before the loss occurred
INDEMNITY (N) legal exemption from penalties etc. incurred
INDICTMENT (N) a formal accusation
INTESTATE (ADJ) dying without making a will
IN FLAGRANTE DELICTO (Adj) in the very act of committing a crime; red-handed
JURISDICTION (N) the authority (usually of a court) to hear and decide legal disputes
LIBEL (N) slander or malign
MITIGATE (V) to minimise or lessen the severity of damage
NOTARY (N) a person who is officially authorised to authenticate legal documents (contracts, deeds, etc.)
PAROLE (N) temporary (or permanent) release of a prisoner before time on the promise of (and based on) good behaviour
PLAINTIFF (N) a person who brings a case against another in a court of law
PROBATE (V) the official proving of a will
PROXY (N) authority to act (for example, to vote) for another
QUITCLAIM (V) to transfer or relinquish title, right or claim to another; to declare somebody to be no longer legally liable for something
REMISE (V) to suurender or make over a right or property
RESCIND (V) to cancel, nullify, revoke; retract; annul; to invalidate by subsequent action
REVOCABLE (AD]) capable of being revoked or cancelled
STIPULATE (V) to specify, require or set forth a particular fact as a condition of an agreement
SUBPOENA (N) a court order compelling a witness to provide information or to be present at a court hearing
SUBROGATE (V) to substitute one party (e.g., a creditor) for another in transferring a right or claim
TESTATOR (N) one who has made a will
TORT (N) a wrongful act for which damages can be sought by the injured party
TRAVERSE (V) deny an allegation by pleading
ULTRA VIRES (ADJ) beyond ones legal power or authority
VEST (V) to settle or confer, or be a part of somebody's property, power or rights
WAIVE (V) to voluntarily give up or surrender a right or privilege

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