Friday, 18 December 2015

Confusing Words E - Series


Ø  ECONOMIC - (related to economics) The economic condition of India is very bad.
ECONOMICAL - (using minimum of time or resources for effective results) With the price of cooking gas rising every Month, it is important to work out the most economical way to cook food.

Ø  EFFLUENT (flowing outward; water mixed with waste matter) - Without proper effluent management, the environment will soon be unable to support life.
AFFLUENT (rich, wealthy) - Ancient India was an affluent nation.
Ø  ELAPSE (pass by) - Many months elapsed before the government responded to the petition.
LAPSE (break or interval; momentary fault or failure in morality or behaviour; drop to a lower level; failure to exercise right in time) - 1. His momentary lapse of concentration resulted in a terrible accident. 2. He forgot to pay the premia and as a result, the life insurance policy lapsed.
Ø  ELEMENTAL (being or resembling a force of nature; ultimate; relating to severe atmospheric conditions; fundamental; simplified) - The artist's classic elemental sculptures were on display at the exhibition.
ELEMENTARY (simple, rudimentary, basic) - The manager took them to the village market to learn the elementary principles of marketing.

Ø  ELICIT (draw, activate, induce) - He was able to elicit a reaction from the normally quiet official.
ILLICIT (illegal, felonious) -- The illicit trade in ivory has caused the death of thousands of elephants.

Ø  ELIGIBLE (qualified, acceptable) - MBAs from reputed institutes are eligible to apply for the post.
ILLEGIBLE (incomprehensible) - Illegible handwriting is a major source of irritation for typists.

Ø  ELUSIVE (difficult to describe, find, achieve or remember; skilful at avoiding capture; slippery, intangible) - Though two elite police groups were after film, the notorious sandalwood smuggler remained elusive.
ILLUSIVE (imaginary, misleading, deceptive) -- The forecasts were rosy but any improvement in job opportunities remained illusive.

Ø  EMIGRANT (one who leaves one's country to settle in a foreign country) -- Unfortunately, that country treats emigrants as second class citizens.
IMMIGRANT (one who comes from a foreign country to settle in) - He blended in so well that none could tell he was an immigrant from Canada.

Ø  EMPTY (something from which everything has been
      removed; containing nothing) - The box was empty,
VACANT (means an unoccupied room, seat etc.) - The building has four vacant flats.

Ø  ENORMITY (extreme wickedness) - lie has not realised the enormity of his crime.
ENORMOUSNESS (largeness of size or amount) - The villager stood gaping at the enormousness of the shopping mall.

Ø  EQUABLE (consistent, reliable, steady) - His equable temper
helped him to lead the tense negotiations efficiently.
EQUITABLE (just, fair, honest) - Indian socialism aims at an equitable distribution of wealth.

Ø  ESPECIALLY (particularly, specifically) - She enjoys watching movies, especially with her friends.
SPECIALLY (preferentially) - The PM specially requested him to attend the meeting.

Ø  EXIGENT (demanding immediate attention) - This money will help you meet your exigent needs.
EXIGUOUS (scanty; small) - The exiguous rainfall this year may create problems for the nation.

Ø  EXPECT (to hope for; anticipate) - The teacher expects sincerity of his students.
EXCEPT (excluding) - The students possess everything except sincerity.

Ø  EXTENT (size, degree) - The extent of damage due to the earthquake is not yet known.
EXTEND (open out into space; increase size; continue for specific duration ) - .l. The metropolis now extends several kilometers in all directions, except the west. 2. The talks extended over the weekend.

Ø  EXTANT (still existing) - The file of the 1960 murder case is extant.
EXTINCT (no longer existing) - Dinosaurs are hopefully extinct by now, though the movie tries to convince us otherwise.

Ø  EXTRACT (take out) - The government is determined            to extract money from those who evade tax.
EXTRICATE (free with difficulty; pull out) - The poor villager was unable to extricate himself from the moneylenders contract.

Ø  EXTRADITION (delivering of criminals by one country to another) - Malaysia refused to extradite the war criminal unless the trial was held in a neutral country.
EXPATRIATE (someone who has moved abroad; someone without a citizenship) - The US has expatriated several terrorists after the bombing.

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