Ø HARE (an animal like a large rabbit) - The hare was hunted down by the pack of dogs,
HEIR (successor) - The king, unfortunately, had no worthy heir.
Ø HAIL (small hard balls of ice falling from the sky like rain; call someone) - 1. The fierce hailstorm destroyed the whole crop. 2. It is best to hail a taxi.
HALE (in good health) - The soldiers who made it to the Antarctic are quite hale and hearty.
Ø HEAR (perceive sound without any special effort) - I can hear the noise coming from the opposite room.
LISTEN (to make a special effort to hear something) - The students listened attentively,
Ø HONORARY (serving without pay) - He is an honorary surgeon at the hospital.
HONOURABLE (worthy of honour) - He is an honourable member of the community.
Ø HOARD - to store, accumulate
HORDE - a tribe or a group
HORDE - a tribe or a group
Ø HOME (a place where one lives and is happy) - He has a cosy little home.
HOUSE (a structure to live in with no emotional involvement as such) - He has a big house full of beautiful furniture.
Ø HUMAN (pertaining to man) - It is but human to err
HUMANE (kind, benevolent) Our society needs to adopt a more humane approach to those living with AIDS.
Ø HUNG (suspended or supported from above) -- I hung the towel on the clothesline.
HANGED (to put to death by suspending by the neck) -The convict Was hanged at dawn.
Ø IDEAL (perfect) - The ideal solution to the Kashmir problem is yet to be found.
IDOL (object of worship) – Their religion does not encourage idol worship.
Ø IMAGINARY (fictitious, opposed to real) - Don't let the imaginary ghosts under your bed steal your sleep.
IMAGINATIVE (full of imagination, skilled at thinking originaliy) - Isaac Asimov was an imaginative writer.
Ø IMMANENT -- Inherent, by birth
IMMINENT - impending, in the near future
EMINENT - Important, respected
Ø IMMORAL (corrupt, evil, having no morality) - Going by the current trend, an immoral politician is no longer a surprise.
AMORAL (without moral standards) - It would appear that politics have sunk to new amoral levels.
Ø IMPUDENT (rude, disrespectful) - The impudent student asked the teacher his age during a lecture.
IMPRUDENT (unwise) - The imprudent utilisation of the nation '_s resources has left us underdeveloped.
Ø INDIGENOUS (native; originating in a particular region) - The agni missile is indigenously developed.
INGENUOUS (gullible; innocent) - An ingenuous customer is likely to be defrauded.
INGENIOUS (clever, inventive) - It was an ingenious solution to the vexing problem.
INDIGENT (poor) - In India many people are so indigent that they cannot manage a square meal.
Ø INTELLIGENT (talented, clever) - The intelligent student always wins.
INTELLIGIBLE (understandable) - His message was not intelligible because there was too much noise in the background.
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