Monday, 21 December 2015


                             Mixtures (Alligation)
The problems on this topic generally involve the theory of ratio & proportion and at times basics of percentages and profit & loss.
Types of Mixture
There are two types of mixtures: (i) Simple, (ii) Compound
Simple Mixture: When two different ingredients are mixed together, it is known as a simple mixture.

Compound Mixture: When two or more simple mixtures are mixed together to form another mixture, it is known as a compound mixture.
Alligation Rule
This rule enables us to find the proportion in which two or more ingredients at the given price must be mixed to produce a mixture at a given price.
Statement: The rule states that when different quantities of different costs (values or strengths) are mixed together to produce a mixture of mean cost (value or strength), the ratio of the quantities are inversely proportional to the differences in their costs from the mean cost (value or strength).
The CP of the item that is cheaper is given by CP cheaper. The CP of the item that is costlier (dearer) is given by CP dearer. The C.P. of unit quantity of the final mixture is called the MEAN PRICE and is given by CP mean price•
Quantitycheaper  =CPdearer — CPmean price
Quantltydearer  CPmean price — CPcheaper
Applications of the Rule
(i)       The Alligation Rule is used to find the mean value of a mixture when the prices of two or more ingredients, which are mixed together and the proportion in which they are mixed are given.
(ii)     It is also used to find the proportion in which the ingredients at given prices must be mixed to produce a mixture at a given price.
     E31.In what ratio should tea @ 35 per kg be mixed with tea @ 27 per kg so that mixture may cost Rs.30 per kg?

Sol. Quantity of cheaper =   35 - 30 =    5
       Quantity of dearer     30-27    3
Hence the two should be mixed in the ratio 3 : 5. The above ratio calculated is 3 : 5 and not 5 : 3, i.e., tea @ 35 per kg to have 3 parts and tea @ 27 per kg to have 5 parts. This may be checked mentally by the following simple rule : "If mean price is closer to cheaper C.P, then quantity of cheaper will be more and vice versa."
Text Box: Two mixtures of same ingredients mixed (Compound mixture)
E32.In what ratio should two different types of mixtures containing milk and water in the ratio of 5 : 1 and 2 : 1 respectively be mixed to obtain a final mixture containing milk and water in the ratio of 3 : 1?
     Sol. Strength of milk in mixture 1 = 5/6 (because there are 5 parts of milk for every 1 part of water. Hence there are 5 parts of milk for a total of 6 parts of the mixture). Strength of milk in mixture 2 = 2/3 (because there are 2 parts of milk for every 1 part of water. Hence there are 2 parts of milk for a total of 3 parts of the mixture). Strength of milk in the final mixture required = 3/4 (because there are 3 parts of milk for every 1 part of water. Hence there are 3 parts of milk for a total of 4 parts of the mixture). As we can see, the mixture 1 is stronger in milk as compared to mixture 2, hence we will refer to mixture 1 as the dearer mixture, mixture 2 as the cheaper mixture and the final mixture as the mean mixture.
                                 5 - 3
Quantity of cheaper  =     6     4  =  1
Quantity of dearer             3 - 2
                         4   3

Hence, both the types of mixtures will have to be mixed in the ratio of 1 : 1.

Two mixtures of same ingredients mixed (Compound mixture)

Mixture 1 has ingredients (A and B) in a : b. quantity of ingredient A  = a
                                                                 quantity of ingredient B     b

Mixture 2 has same ingredients (A and B) in x : y. quantity of ingredientA   =  x
                                                                          quantity of ingredientB       y

Now 'M' units of Mixture 1 and 'N units of Mixture 2 are mixed to form a resultant mixture with ingredients (A and B) in the ratio qA : qB .
Case I. When qA and qB are to be found out. By alligation rule in the resultant mixture,
Quantity of ingredient A =          qA       =   M ( a/a+b ) + N (x/x+y)
Quantity of ingredient B             qB             M (b/a+b)  + N (y/x+y)
Then, amount of ingredient A in the resultant mixture.
=           qA        x    (M +N)
    (qA + qB)

Case II. When M and N are to be found out (i.e. amount of  mixtures)
Consider the quantity of any one ingredient (say, A) in all the three mixtures, i.e. quantity of ingredient A in
In mix. 1 = a / a+b , i.e. a out of (a+b).

In Mix 2 =       x/x+y , in the resultant mix. = qA / qA + qB
By alligation rule we get, in the resultant mixture, Quantity of 1st mix.  =  Q 1(x/ x+y) – (qA/qA + qB)
                                                                       Quantity of 2nd mix.      Q2       (qA/qA + qB) – (a/a+b)

Then, amound of 1st mixture in the resultant mixture
=                 Q1               x(M +N)
        (Q1 + Q2)
Amount of second mix. In the resultant mix.
=             Q2         x(M +N)
         (Q1 + Q2)

E33. In two alloys, the ratio of zinc to tin is 5 : 2 and 3 : 4. If 7 kg of the first alloy and 21 kg of the second Amount of 2nd mixture in the resultant mixture alloy are mixed together to form a new alloy, then what will be the ratio of zinc and tin in the new alloy?
Sol. Quantity of X = Quantity of Zinc. Quantity of Y = Quantity of Tin.
M=7kg                                           N= 21 kg
a=5             b=2
x=3             y=4
Putting these values in the formula, we get

Quantity of zinc  = 7 x (5/5+2) + 21 x (3/3+4) = 14 = 1: 1
 Quantity of tin       7 x ( 2/5+2) + 21 x (4/3+4)   14

Removal and Replacement by Equal Quantity
If a vessel contains "a" litres of petrol, and if "b" litres be withdrawn and replaced by kerosene, then if "b" litres of the mixture be withdrawn and replaced by kerosene, and the operation repeated 'n' times in all, then
Petrol left in vessel after nth operation =     (a - b)n  
Initial quantity of Petrol in vessel                a
Note that in the denominator the term "Initial quantity of Petrol in vessel" is equal to the "Volume of mixture in the vessel after the nth operation."
E34.A tea merchant buys two kinds of tea, the price of the first kind being twice that of the second. He sells the mixture at
 Rs.14/kg thereby making a profit of 40%• If the ratio of the first to second kind of tea in the mixture is 2 : 3, then find the 
cost price of each kind of tea.
Sol. The cost of mixture = 14x100  = Rs.10/kg.
Ratio in which the cheaper and dearer is mixed = 3:2.
Let the price of cheaper tea be Rs.x/kg and dearer tea be Rs.2x/kg.
         Applying the alligation rule, we get

         3 = 2x -10
         2    10 - x
.. 7x=50
.. x=71/7

Cost of cheaper tea = Rs. 71/7 and cost of dearer tea= Rs. 14 2/7.

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