Sunday, 20 December 2015

Number System I


All the numbers can be expressed as Complex Numbers .A complex number is an expression of the form  a + bi,  where a and b are real numbers and i = √-1. In the complex number a + bi, a is called the real part and bi is the imaginary part. When .a = 0, the complex number is called a pure imaginary number. If b = 0, the complex number reduces to the real number a thus, complex numbers include all real numbers and all pure imaginary numbers.  

Classification of Numbers
All the numbers that we see or use on a regular basis can be classified a given in the chart 

be below:

Real numbers: Real numbers represent actual physicaI quantities in a meaningful way e.g. length, height, density etc. Real numbers can be further divided into sub groups. For example, rational/irrational, odd/even, prime/composite etc.
Natural or Counting Numbers
To count objects we use counting numbers like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. The set of positive counting numbers is called natural numbers .These are also at times called positive integers.
Whole Numbers
The set of natural numbers taken along with 0, gives us the set of Whole Numbers. Thus, the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ..,.. represent the set of whole numbers.
W = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4 .....}      `-
All the counting numbers (positive and negative) including zero are called the integers. For example
-100,-99,-50, -40, 0, 13, 17 are all integers.
I/Z = {0,±1, ±2, ±3 ...}
Rational Numbers
This is the set of real numbers that can be written in the form,),. where a and b are integers and b is not equal to zero (b # 0). All integers and all fractions are rational numbers including the finite decimal numbers (i.e. terminating) numbers -4,2/3 ,50/2,-10/3.-1/4,0,145 (also represented as 145/1) and 15/1 are examples of rational numbers.
Q = {a/b : a,b є I & b ≠ 0}
Irrational Numbers
The numbers which are io rational are ca d irrational numbers, such as 42, n. These numbers give an approximate answer in terms of decimals. Also the digits after the decimal are non-terminating and non-recurri g. Thus,
√2 = 1.4142135..., π= 3.141592... etc.
Even Numbers
The set of Even Numbers is the set of integers which are divisible by 2. e.g. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ... Even numbers are expressed in the form 2n, where n is an integer. Thus, 0,-2, -6 etc. are also even numbers.
Odd Numbers
The set of Odd Numbers is the set of integers which are not divisible by 2. e.g. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ... Odd numbers are expressed in the form (2n.+ 1), where n is an integer (not necessarily prime). Thus, -1, -3, -9 etc. are all odd numbers.
The smallest natural number is 1. The smallest whole number is 0.
Ø  The smallest natural number is 1.
Ø  The smallest whole number is 0.
Prime Numbers
A natural number which does not have any other factors besides itself and unity, is a prime number. For example 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 etc. The set of such numbers is the set of prime numbers.
Ø   1 is neither prime nor composite.        `
Ø   The only even prime number is 2.
Ø  Two numbers are said to be relatively prime to each other or co-prime when their HCF is 1. e.g. (i) 9 and 28, (ii) 3 and 5, (iii) 14 and 29 etc.
Ø  If number has no prime factor equal to or less than its square root, then the number is prime. This is a test to judge whether a number is prime or not.
Composite Numbers
The set of Composite Numbers is the set of natural numbers which have other factors also, besides itself and unity. e.g. 8, 72, 39 etc . Alternatively, we might say that a natural number except 1 which is not prime is a composite number.
System of Real Numbers
The system of real numbers as we know it today, is a result of gradual progress, as the following indicates.
Ø  Natural numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, ... used in counting are also known as positive integers. If two such numbers are added or multiplied, the result is always a natural number.
Ø  Numbers that can be expressed in the form p/q, where p and q are co-prime integers, are known as rational numbers. For example 2/3, 8/5, 121/17, -3/2 etc.
Ø  Irrational numbers are numbers which cannot be expressed in the above form. Such as √2, π etc.
Ø  Zero helps us enlarge the number system so as to permit such operations as 6 - 6 or 10 - 10. Zero has the properties that
(i)      Any number multiplied by zero is zero.
(ii)     Zero divided by any number ( 0) is zero.
(iii)    Any number divided by zero is undefined.
Ø  When no sign is placed before a number, a plus sign is understood. Thus, 5 is +5, '12 is +12.
Important to Remember that..
Ø  Zero is a rational number without any sign.
Ø  The real number system consists of the collection of Positive & Negative, Rational & Irrational Numbers and Zero.
Graphical Representation of Real Numbers
It is often useful to represent real numbers by points on a line. To do this, we choose a point on the line to represent the real number zero and call this point the origin. The positive integers +1, +2, +3, ... are then associated with points on the line at distance 1, 2, 3, ... units respectively to the right of the origin (see the figure), while the negative integers -1, -2, -3, ... are associated with points on the line at distances 1, 2, 3, ... units respectively to the left of the origin.
                                     -5    -4      -3       -2      -1      0 +1/2 +1    +2   +3    +4     +5

The rational number 1/2 is represented on this scale by a point P halfway between 0 and +1. The negative number       -3/2 or -1/2 is represented by a point R, 1½ units to the left of the origin.
There is one and only one point on the number line corresponding to each real number and conversely, to every point on the line, there corresponds one and only one real number.

The position of real numbers on a line establishes an order to the real number system. If a point A lies to the right of another   point B on the line we say that the number corresponding to A is greater than the number corresponding to B or that the number corresponding to B is less or greater than the number corresponding to A. The symbols for "greater than" and "less than" are > and < respectively. These symbols are called
"inequality signs."
Thus since 5 is to the right of 3, 5 is greater than 3 (5 > 3), we may also say 3 is less than 5 (3 < 5). Similarly, since -6 is to the left of - 4, -6 is smaller than  - 4, (-6 < - 4), we may also write (- 4 > - 6).
Absolute Value
The absolute value or numerical value of a number means the distance of the number from the origin on the number line. Thus |-6| = 6, |+4|; = 4, |-3/4| = 3/4. In other words, absolute value of a number means the value of the number without its sign i.e. the magnitude only.
El. Write the absolute values of the following
(1) —51                                  (2) 15
(3) 237                                   (4) —354
(5) 0
Sol. The absolute values of the given integers are
          (1) 51                                     (2) 15
  (3) 237                                   (4) 354
 (5) 0
Properties of Numbers
Closure  Property
A set has closure under an operation if the result of performing the operation on elements of the set is also an element of the set. The set X is closed under the operation * if for all elements a and b in set X, the result a * b is also in set X.
For example, integers possess this property under the operations +, x, — etc. As we can see, 5 + 8 = 13 and 5, 8, 13 are all integers.
Identity Property
A set has an identity under an operation if there is an element in the set that when combined with each element in the set leaves that element unchanged. The set X has an identity under the operation * if there is an element j in set X such that j * a = a * j = a for all elements a in set X. For example 0 and 1 are the identity elements for addition and multiplication respectively. As we can see, 15 + 0 = 15 and 7 x 1 = 7.
A set has inverses under an operation if for each element of the set, there is an element of the set such that when these two elements are combined using the operation, the result is the identity element for the set under the operation. If a set does not have an identity j under an operation, it cannot have the inverse property for the operation. If X is a set that has identity j under operation *, then it has inverse if for each element a in set X there is an element a' in set X such that a * a' = j and a'
a = j. For example, 2 is the additive inverse of —2 and 1/2 is the multiplicative inverse of 2. As we can see, 2 + (-2) = 0 and 2 x 1/2=1,
Associative & Commutative Property
Sets under an operation may also follow the associative property and the commutative property. Associative and commutative properties are based on the order of the numbers in any operation.
If there are two operations on the set, then the set could have the distributive property.
A→ (a+b)+c=a+(b+c)
E2. Which properties are true for the sets of natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, 

irrational numbers and er al numbers under the operation of addition?






Additional Properties
There are some properties that sets of numbers have, that do not depend on an operation to be true. Three such properties are order, density and completeness.
A set of numbers has order if, given two distinct elements in the set, one element is greater than the other.
A set of numbers has density if, between any two elements of the set, there is another element of the set.
A set of numbers has completeness, if the points using its elements as coordinates completely fill a line or plane.

Rounding off a number
To round off a number, following rules are observed
Ø  If the digit to be dropped is smaller than 5, the preceding digit should be left unchanged but if the digit to be dropped is greater than 5, the preceding digit should be raised by 1.
Ø  If the digit to be dropped is 5, the preceding digit if odd should be raised by 1 but if even it should be left unchanged.
Ø  For example, by rounding off the number 37.4867, we can obtain the numbers 37.487, 37.49 and 37.5 as                   per our requirement.
Ø  As another example, we consider the number 4735.25. If would be rounded off to 4735.2 If we further round     off this number, we get 4735.
Four Basic Mathematical Operations
The four basic mathematical operations are Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.
When two numbers 'a' and 'b' are added, their sum is indicated by a + b. Thus, the sum of 273 and 127 is 400 etc.
 When a number "b" is subtracted from a number "a ” the difference is indicated by a — b. Thus, the difference between     1532 and 382 is 1150 etc.
Subtraction may be defined in terms of addition. We may define a — b to represent a number X such that X added to b yields a or X + b = a. e.g. 8 — 3 is the number X which when added to 3 yields 8, i.e., X + 3 = 8; thus 8 — 3 = 5.
The product of two numbers "a" and "b" is a. number "c" such that, a x b = c. The operation of multiplication may be indicated by a cross, a dot or parentheses.
Thus 5 x 3 = 5 . 3 = 5(3) = (5)(3) = 15, where the factors are 5 and 3 and the product is 15. When alphabets are used, the notation p x q is usually avoided since x may be confused with the alphabet x.

When a number "a" is divided by the other number "b' the quotient obtained is written as a = b or a/b, where "a" is called the dividend and "b" the divisor. The expression a/b is also called a fraction, having numerator "a" and denominator "b". Division may be defined in terms of multiplication. We may consider a/b as a number X which on multiplication by b yields a or bX = a. For example, 6/3 is the number X such that 3 multiplied by X yields 6 or 3X = 6; thus 6/3 = 2.
Ø  Division by zero is not defined.
Ø  Multiplication or division of any number by 1 gives the same result i.e. the number itself.
             Ø    Product of any number with zero is zero.
Ø  Division of the number by itself is equal to 1.
Properties of addition and multiplication of real numbers
Commutative property for addition
The order of addition of two numbers does not affect the result.
a + b = b + a,
For example, 5 + 3 = 3 + 5 = 8.
Associative property for addition
The terms of a sum can be grouped in any manner without affecting the result.
a+ b+c=a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c, For example,3+4+1=3+(4+1)=(3+4)+1.
Commutative property for multiplication
The order of the factors of a product does not affect the result. a x b = b x a,
For example, 2x5=5x2=10.
Associative property for multiplication
The factors of a product can be grouped in any manner without affecting the result.
abc = a(bc) = (ab)c,
For example, 3 x4x 6 = 3 x (4 x 6)
=(3 x 4) x 6 = 72.
Distributive property for multiplication over addition
The product of a number 'a' with the sum of two numbers (b & c) is equal to the sum, of the products ab and ac. ax (b+c)=axb+axc, e.g.4x(3+2)=4x3+4x2=20.

Extensions of these laws may be made. Thus we may add the numbers a, b, c, d, e by grouping in any order, as (a + b) + c + (d + e), a + (b + c) + (d + e), etc. Similarly, in multiplication, we may write (ab)c(de) or a(bc)(de), the result being independent of order or grouping.
Rules of Signs
Ø To add two numbers with similar signs, add their absolute values and prefix the common sign.
Thus 3+4=7,(-3)+(-4)=-7.
Ø To add two numbers with opposite signs, find the difference between their absolute values and prefix the sign of the number with greater absolute value. For example
Ø To subtract one number b from another number a, change the operation to addition and replace b by its opposite,-b.
Thus, 12-(7)= 12+(-7)=5, (-9) - (4) = -9 + (-4) = -13, 2-(-8)=2+8= 10.
Ø To multiply (or divide) two numbers having similar signs, multiply (or divide) their absolute values and prefix a plus sign (or no sign). For example,
(5)(3) = 15, (-5)(-3) = 15, -6/-3 = 2.
Ø To multiply (or divide) two numbers having opposite signs, multiply (or divide) their absolute values and prefix a minus sign. For example,
(-3)(6)= -18, (3)(-6) = -18, -12/4 = -3.
Other special numbers
    Perfect Numbers
Text Box:  

If the sum of the divisors of N excluding N itself but including units equal to N, then N is called a perfect number. e.g. 6, 28 etc.
6 = 1 + 2 + 3, where 1, 2 and 3 are divisors of 6
 28 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14.
Fibonacci Numbers ,
Fibonacci numbers form a sequence in which each term is the sum of the two terms immediately preceding it. It is named for its discoverer, Leonardo Fibonacci (Leonardo Pisano). The Fibonacci sequence that has 1 as its first term is 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, ... These numbers are referred to as Fibonacci numbers. The defining property can be symbolically represented as
Tr+2 = tr + tr+1
 If X1 = 1 and Xn+1 = 2Xn + 5, where n = 1, 2.., then what is the value of X100?
(1) (5 x 299 - 6)      (2) (5 x 299 + 6)
(3) (6 x 299 + 5)     (4) (6 x 299 - 5)
Sol.X1=1=6x2°-5=X2=7=6x21-5 X3=19=6x22-5= Xn=6x2n-1-5
 X100 = ( 6 x 299 - 5).
Hence Ans.(4)
    Classify each of the following numbers according to the categories: real number, positive integer, negative integer, rational     number, irrational number, imaginary.

-5, 3/5, 3π, 2, -1/4, 6.3, 0, √5, √-1,

0.3782, √4, -18/7.
Sol. If the number belongs to a category it is indicated by a tick (ü) mark.

Real number























Some Important Results on Numbers
Ø If the sum of two positive quantities is given, their product is greatest when they are equal.
Ex. Given X + Y = 30        Possible (X, Y) are (1, 29), (2, 28),
(3,    27) ... and so on. Out of all these, the pair that gives the maximum product will be (15, 15).
Ø If the product of two positive quantities is given, their sum is least when they are equal.
Ex. Given X Y = 100       Possible (X, Y) are (1, 100), (2, 50),
(4,    25) ... and so on. Out of all these, the pair that gives the minimum sum will be (10, 10).
Ø The sum of a positive number and its reciprocal is always greater than or equal to 2, i.e., (a/b + b/a) ≥ 2,
(a/b + b/c + c/d + d/a) ≥ 4, [(X) + (1/X)] ≥ 2.
Base System
The numerals we use today are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6, 7, 8 and 9. These numbers are a part of decimal system, because there are only 10 basic symbols.
Expressing the decimal number 63472 in the expanded form, we get

In the decimal number 63472,

Ø  2 is at the unit's digit and has a place value of 1 ... 2 ones
Ø  7 is at the ten's digit and has a place value of 10 ... 7 tens
Ø  4 is at the hundred's digit and has a place value of 100 ... 4
Ø  3 is at the thousand's digit and has a place value of 1000 ... 3
Ø  6 is at the ten thousand's digit and has a place value of 10000 ... 6 ten thousands
Thus, the number can be represented as
63472=6x 104+3x 103+4x 102+7x 101+2x 100 = 60000 + 3000 + 400 + 70 + 2
Thus, since there are 10 symbols, this system of representation of numbers is known as the Decimal System (base 10). In a similar way, a system in which only 0 and 1 exist, is known as Binary System (base 2).
Similarly, other systems can also be established like Hexadecimal (base 16), Octal (base 8) etc. In each of these systems, the number of symbols used is restricted to the base number. Thus an octal system has only 8 symbols (0 to 7) and hexadecimal system has 16 symbols (0 to 9, A to F).
Decimal to Binary Conversion
To convert the decimal number to binary we begin by dividing the decimal number by 2 and then dividing each resulting quotient by
2 until there is a 1 quotient.
E6. Convert the decimal number 50 to a binary number.
Sol. 2 50      
E7. Convert the binary number 110010 to a decimal number
Sol. 1 x 25 + 1 x 24 + 0 x 23 + 0 x 22 + 1 x 21 + 0 x 2° = 32 + 16 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 50.
Decimal to Octal Conversion
The method of converting a decimal number into an octal number is repeated division by 8, similar to the method used in conversion of decimal to binary. Each successive division by 8 yields a remainder that becomes a digit in the equivalent octal number.

E8. Convert the decimal number 20579 to an octal number.
the octal number is 50143.
Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion
Repeated division of a decimal number by 16 will give the equivalent hexadecimal number which is formed by the remainders of each division. It is similar to the method used in conversion of decimal to binary.
E9. Convert (650)10 to a hexadecimal number.
Octal to Binary Conversion
To convert an octal number to a binary number, simply replace each octal digit by the appropriate three digits binary equivalent.
E10.Change octal (3574)$ to its binary equivalent.
Sol.            357       4
011 101 111 100
Hence (3574)8 = (011 101 111 100)2 = (011101111100)2.
Binary to Octal Conversion
Conversion of a binary to an octal number is also a straight forward process. Beginning from the least significant position, simply break the binary number into groups of three digits and convert each group into its equivalent octal digit.
E11. Convert (110101)2 to an octal number.
Sol.  110  101
      6     5
            (110101)2 = (65)

Binary to Hexadecimal Conversion
Converting a binary number to hexadecimal is a straightforward procedure. Simply break the binary number into four bit groups starting from the least significant position and replace each group with the equivalent hexadecimal number.
E12.Convert (1100101001010111)2 to a hexadecimal number.    
1100 1010 0101 0111
C    A   5    7
(1100101001010111)2 = (CA57)16
Hexadecimal to Binary Conversion
To convert from a hexadecimal number to a binary number, reverse the process and replace each hexadecimal number with their equivalent four digits binary number.
E13. Convert (10A4)16 to a binary number.
Sol.    1       0       A       4
       0001 0000 1010 0111
Or (10A4)16 = (0001000010100100)2

Addition of Binary Numbers
The method of addition of binary numbers is also similar to that of decimal numbers. The three basic rules that will be used in binary addition are
(1)   0+0=0
(2)   1+0= 1
(3)   1 + 1 = 10 (1 is carry over)
The process of addition will be explained in following example
E14.Add the binary numbers 101010 and 10101.
Sol. 101010
Addition of Octal Numbers
The method of addition of octal numbers is similar to that of decimal numbers. The basic rules that will be used in octal addition are
(1)   1+7=2+6=3+5etc.=0(1 is carry over)
(2)   2+7=3+6=4+5etc.=1(1 is carry over)
(3)   3+7=4+6=5+5etc.=2(1 is carry over)
(4)  4+7=5+6=6+5etc.=3(1 is carry over)
(5)   5+7=6+6=7+5 etc.= 4(1 is carry over)
(6)   6+7=7+6=8+5etc.=5(1 is carry over)
(7)  7 + 7 = 6                           (1 is carry over)
The process of addition will be explained in following example.
E15.(3232)8 + (1256)8 =?
Sol. 3232
+1256 4510

The unit's digit should be even or

0( the given number atthe
26, 48 etc.

units place we should have 2, 4,

6, 8, 0)

The sum of the digits of the
(1+2+7+2+9 = 21),

number should be divisible by 3.

21 + 3 = 7.

The number formed by the last

two digits (units' and tens') of the

given number should be divisible

by 4.

The unit's digit should be 0 or 5.
1835, 15440
Last digits are 5 and 0


The sum of the digits of the

number should be divisible by 3
12 / 3 = 4, Number is

and the number should be even.


The number formed by the last

three digits (units', tens' and
672 + 8 = 84

hundreds') of the given number

should be divisible by 8.

The sum of the digits of the

number should be divisible by 9.

6 = 27), 27 = 9 = 3
The unit's digit should be 0.
Unit's digit is zero.

The difference between the sums

 5 + 0 + 3 = 4 + 4 = 8
Hence difference is zero
of the digits in the even and odd

places should be zero or a

multiple of 11.

The sum of the digits of the

 18/3 = 6, also 28/4=7
number should be divisible by 3

and the number should also be

divisible by 4.

The sum of the digits of the

(8 + 1 + 0 + 6 + 4 +
number should be divisible by 3

and unit's digit of the number

also  last digit is 5.

should be 0 or 5.

The number formed by the last

four digits (units', tens',

hundreds' and thousands') of the
8320 / 16 = 520

given number should be divisible

by 16.

The last two digits of the number
1125, 975,
The last two digits are

should be 25, 50, 75 or 00.
15500, 50
 as  required.

1125, 1875,


The last three digits of the
The last three digits
number should be 125, 250, 375,
are as required.

500, 625, 750, 875 or 000.



Some other important tests
Divisibility test for 7
The test holds good only for numbers with more than three digits and is applied as follows
1.          Group the numbers in sets of three from the unit's digit.
2.          Add the odd groups and the even groups separately.
3.          The difference of the odd and the even groups should be either 0 or divisible by 7.
E16.Is 85437954 divisible by 7?
Sol.  85  437 954.
Adding up the first and the third sets, we get 85 + 954 = 1039.
Now their difference is 1039 - 437 = 602.
Since 602 + 7 = 86, hence the number is divisible by 7
Divisibility test for 13
The test holds good only for numbers with more than three digits. The test to be applied is as follows
1.          Group the numbers in sets of three from the unit's digit.
2.          Add the odd groups and the even groups separately.
3.          The difference of the odd and the even groups should be either 0 or divisible by 13.
E17.Is 136999005 divisible by 13?
Sol. 136 999 005.
Adding up the first and the third sets, we get 136 + 5 = 141.
Now their difference is 999 - 141 = 858.
         Since 858÷13 = 66, so the number is divisible by 13.
E18. Find X & Y when
(1)       15X8351Y is divisible by 72.
(2)       2856354XY is divisible by 99.
    Sol. (1) Since 72 = 8 x 9, so the number must be divisible both
by 8 and 9.
The last three digits of the number should be divisible by 8. Hence 51Y/8 must be an integer (last 3 digits), i.e. Y = 2. Now, the given number should also be
divisible by 9.
►1+5+X+8+3+5+1+2=25+Xshould be divisible by 9. Thus X = 2.
Hence the number is 15283512.
(2) 99 = 9 x 11. Hence the number should be divisible by 9 and 11 both.
33 + X + Y (sum of the digits) should be divisible by 9. = (2+5+3+4+Y)-(8+6+5+X) =0or±11or±22...
= 14+Y-19+X=0 or ±11
or ... Solving the equations
Y-X-5=-11 and 33+X+Y= 45, we get
X = 9 and Y = 3. Hence the number is 285635493.
Ø  If two numbers, say x and y, are divisible by a third number, say z, then (x - y) and (x + y) are also divisible by z.
               For example, 20 and 64 are divisible by 4. Also, (64 - 20) & (64 + 20) are divisible by 4.
Ø  When any number with even number of digits is added to its reverse, the sum is always divisible by 11.
               e.g. 2341 + 1432 = 3773 which is divisible by 11.
Ø  When any number with odd number of digits is subtracted from its reverse, the absolute difference is always divisible by 11&9.
               e.g. 23411 - 11432 = 11979 which is divisible by 11 & 9.
Ø  If X is a prime number, then for any whole number "a", (ax - a) is divisible by X.
               For example, Let X = 3 and a = 5.
               Then according to our rule 53 - 5 should be divisible by 3. Now (53 - 5) = 120 which is divisible by 3.
A fraction denotes a part or parts of a unit. The different types of fractions are as follows
Common fractions: Fractions whose denominator is not 10 or a multiple of 10. e.g. 2/3, 17/18 etc.
Decimal fractions: Fractions whose denominator is 10 or a multiple of 10.
Proper fractions: Fractions whose numerator < denominator e.g. 2/10, 6/7, 8/9 etc. Hence its value < 1.
Improper fractions: Fractions whose numerator > denominator e.g. 10/2 , 7/6, 8/7 etc. Hence its value > 1.
   Mixed Fractions: In these types of fractions, there are two parts, an integral part and a fractional part. e.g          1⅜, 5⅛ etc. are all mixed fractions.
  Compounded Fraction: A fraction of a fraction is known as a compounded fraction. e.g. 5 of 6 etc. are compounded fractions.
Complex Fraction: If the numerator or the denominator or both of a fraction are fractions, then the fraction is called a complex fraction. e.g ⅛/7 is complex fractions.

Operations with Fractions
Operations with fractions may be performed according to the following rules
The value of a fraction remains the same if its numerator and denominator are both multiplied or divided by the same number provided the number is not zero.
 For example, 3/4= 3x2/4x2 =6/8 , 15/18 = 15÷3/18÷3 = 5/6.
Changing the sign of either the numerator or the denominator of a fraction changes the sign of the fraction.
  For example -3/5 = -3/5 =                       3/-5    
Adding two fractions with a common denominator yields a fraction whose numerator is the sum of the numerators of the given fractions and whose denominator is the common denominator.
 For example, 3/5 + 4/5 = 3+4/5= 7/5
The sum or difference of two fractions having different denominators may be found by converting the fractions to a common denominator.
For example, 1/4+2/3 = 3/12 + 8/12 = 11/12
 . 12
The product of two fractions is a fraction whose numerator is the product of the numerators of the given fractions and whose denominator is the product of the denominators of the fractions.
For example
2/3 x 4/5 x = 2x4/3x5 = 8/15
The reciprocal of a fraction is a fraction whose numerator is the denominator of the given fraction and whose denominator is the numerator of the given fraction. Thus the reciprocal of 3 i.e. 3/1 is 1/3. Similarly the reciprocals of 5/8 and -4/3 are 8/5 and 3/-4 or -3/4, respectively.
To divide a given fraction by another fraction, we multiply the first by the reciprocal of the second.
For example,
a / b ÷ c / d= a/b x d/c
Decimal Fractions
Fractions in which the denominators are the powers o0_are called decimal fractions. In general, the decimal fractions are of the following types
Recurring Decimals: If in a decimal fraction, a figure or a set of figures is repeated continually, then such a number is called a recurring decimal.
If a single figure is repeated, it is shown by putting a dot on it. But if a set of figures is repeated, we express it either by putting one dot at the starting digit and one dot at the last digit of the repeating digits or by placing a bar or a vinculum on the repeating digit(s).
(i)      2/3 = 0.6666 .... = 0.6 = 0.6
(ii)     22/7 = 3.142857142857 = 3.142857 = 3.142857
(iii)    95/6 = 15.83333 .... = 15.83 = 15.83
Pure Recurring Decimals: A decimal in which all the figures after the decimal point repeat is called a pure recurring decimal.
Ex. 0.6 , 3.142857 etc.
Mixed Recurring Decimals: A decimal in which some figures do not repeat and some of them repeat is called a mixed recurring decimal.
Ex. 15.83 etc.
Conversion of a Pure Recurring Decimal into fraction
Rule: Write the recurring figures only once in the numerator and take as many nines in the denominator as the number of repeating figures.
(1) 0.666…= 6/9 = 2/3.
       (2) 16.6 = 16 + 0.6 = 16 + 6/9 = 16 + 2/3 = 50/3.
To convert a Mixed Recurring Decimal into fraction
Rule: In the numerator, write the difference between the number formed by all the digits after decimal point (taking repeated digits only once) and that formed by the digits which are not repeated.
In the denominator, write the number formed by as many nines as there are repeating digits followed by as many zeroes as in the number of non repeating digits.
(1)     0.17 = (17 - 1)/90 = 16/90 = 8/45.
(2)     0.1254 = (1254 - 12)/9900 = 69/550.
(3)     2.536 = 2 + (536 - 53)/900 = 2161/300
A quick summary
(1)     0.12345 = 12345/99999
(2)     0.12345 = (12345 - 1)/99990
(3)     0.12345 = (12345 - 12)/99900
(4)     0.12345 = (12345 - 123)/99000
(5)     0.12345 = (12345 - 1234)/90000
(6)   0.12345 = 12345/100000
E19. Let D be a decimal of the form, D = 0.a1 a2 al a2 al a2..., where digits al & a2 lie between 0 and 9. Then which of the following numbers necessarily produces an integer, when multiplied by D?
     (1) 18                           (2) 108
        (3) 198                          (4) 208

Sol. It is recurring decimal and can be written as D = 0.a,a2 . To convert this to fraction, we can write it as ala2/99. Thus when the number is multiplied by 99 or a multiple of it, we shall necessarily get an integer. Of the given options, only (3) is a multiple of 99, hence Ans.(3)

The product 10 x 10 x 10 can be written as 103 and is read as 10 raised to the third power. In general, a x a x a ....a (n times) is written as a". The base a is raised to the nth power and n is calleu the exponent or the index.
32 = 3 x 3 ................ read as "3 squared"
23 = 2 x 2 x 2........... read as "2 cubed"
54 = 5 x 5 x 5 x 5...... read as "5 to the fourth power". If the exponent is 1, it is usually understood and not written; thus, al = a.
1, am x an = am+n
For example, 23 x 24 = 23+4 = 27
2.      am   / a n = a m    -     n = 1 /  a  n    -   m   ( I f  a ≠  0 )
3.      ( a mn    = a m   n
4.             a-m = 1/am
For example, 1/32 = 3-2
5.          a°=1 (Any number with zero exponent is equal to 1)
6.          (axb)m=am x bm For example, (4 x 5)2 = 42 x 52
7.      (a÷b)m =am÷bm(ifb#0)
8.      m√a = a1/m
9.      ap/q = q√ap
Squares & Square Roots
By the square of a number, we mean the product of number by the number itself.
If a2 = b, we say that square root of b is a and we write here square of b = a2.
From the above discussion, it is clear that
Ø    A square of a natural number cannot end with 2, 3, 7, 8 and an odd number of zeroes.
Ø   The square of an odd number is odd and that of an even number is even.
Ø    Every square number is a multiple of 3 or exceeds a multiple
of 3 by unity.
Ø    Every square number is a multiple of 4 or exceeds a multiple
of 4 by unity.
Ø If a square number ends in 9, the preceding digit. is even.
Methods for finding Square Roots
When a given number is a perfect square, we resolve it into prime factors and take the product of prime factors choosing one out of every pair of the same primes. For example


4624 = 22 x 22 x 172

So, the square root of 4624 = 4624 = 2 x 2 x 17 =68.
Long division method
The nature of the MBA Entrance test precludes the possibility of the student ever gainfully exploiting the long division method. In simple terms, what we mean is, DON? use the long division method. The following example will illustrate the use of this method.

In this method, we pair two numbers from the unit's place. Like in this example, 69, 53 and 4 are the pairs. Now we find the greatest divisor of 4 which when multiplied by itself gives a number less than or equal to 4. Here we get 2. We get the new divisor, by adding 2 (divisor) by 2 only. Our dividend now is 53. Now we have to find a number which when put with 4 (1 here) and the result (41 here) multiplied with the new number (1 here), we get (41) a number less than or equal to 53. Now the dividend is 1269 (12 is the remainder) and the divisor is 41 + 1 = 42_. As discussed earlier, we can put 3 (in place of _) to get 423 as divisor which when multiplied by 3, gives 1269 and hence the square root will be 213.
By approximation
In order to find the square root in the actual test you should use the method of approximation. In order to use the method of approximation effectively you must know the
a.      Squares of numbers upto 30 or more.
b.      Rapid multiplication techniques etc.
Suppose you want to find √75, you know that √64 = 8 and √81 = 9. Hence ,.√75 will lie between 8 & 9. Now 75 is closer to 81 than 64, hence √75 will be closer to 9 than 8. Hence it will lie between 8.5 and 9 and now you can approximate that its value is somewhere around 8.7.
Cube and Cube Roots
The cube root of a number X is the number whose cube is the number X. We denote the cube root of X by 3√X or X1/3.
We resolve the given number into prime factors and take the product of prime numbers choosing one out of three of each prime number. 
Thus, 3√8 3(2 x 2 x 2) =(23)1/3 =23x1/3 
=  9261=3√(3x3 x3 x7x7x7=3√(33 x73)=3X7=2129 
√(9 9) =(93)1/3 = 93x1/3 = 9

Fourth root of Unity

If we find the square root of 1, we find its value as ±1 but further we can't find the square root of the root -1 which is the fourth root of unity.
The fourth root of unity is an imaginary number √-1 and is designated by the letter i.
Thus we can say that √-4 = √ (4) (-1) = 2√-1 = 2ί
Also, √-18 = √(18)√(-1)  = 3√2i.
Also, since i = √-1 , we have i2 = -1;
i3 = i2 x i = (-1) i = i; i4 =( i 2)2 = (-1)2 = 1;
i5 = i4 x i = 1 x i = i and similarly for any integral power.
Thus we can write i597 = (i596) x i = (i4)149 x i = 1149 x i = i. But we must be careful in applying a few rules. For example,

√(-4)√(-4) = 16 = 4, which is incorrect.

To avoid such difficulties, always express √-m  where m is a positive number, as √m i; and use i2 = -1 whenever it arises.
Thus: √-4√-4= (2i)(2i) = 4i2 = - 4, which is correct.
Complex Numbers
As we discussed earlier, a complex number is an expression of the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i = 1:1. In the complex number a + bi, a is called the real part and bi is the imaginary part. When a = 0, the complex number is called a pure imaginary. If b = 0, the complex number reduces to the real number a. Thus complex numbers include all real numbers and all pure imaginary numbers. Two complex numbers a + bi and c + di are equal if and only if a = c and b = d. Thus a + bi = 0 if and only if a = 0, b = 0.
If c + di = 3, then c = 3, d = 0.
The conjugate of a complex number a + bi is a - bi and conversely. Thus 5 - 3i and 5 + 3i are conjugates.
Algebraic Operations with Complex Numbers
To add two complex numbers, add the real parts and the imaginary parts separately.
(a + bi) + (c + di) = (a + c) + (b + d)i
For example,
(5+4i)+(3+2i)=(5+3)+(4+2)i=8+6i (-6+2i)+(4-5i)=(-6+4)+(2-5)i=-2-3i.
To subtract two complex numbers, subtract the real parts and the imaginary parts separately.
(a + bi) - (c + di) = (a - c) + (b - d)i
For example,
(3+2i)-(5-3i) = (3-5)+(2+ 3)i = -2 + 5i (-1+i)-(-3+2i)=(-1+3)+(1-2)i=2-i.
To multiply two complex numbers, treat the numbers as ordinary binomials and replace i2 by -1.
(a + bi)(c + di) = ac + adi + bci + bdi2
= (ac - bd) + (ad + bc)i
For example, (5 + 3i)(2 - 2i) = 10 - 10i + 6i - 612
= 10-41- 6(-1) = 16- 4i.

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