Friday, 18 December 2015

Phrasal Word Part III

Phrasal Word Part III

His uncle looks after (takes care of) him.

He looks down upon (despises) his poor cousins.

Look up (search for) the word in the dictionary.

The old man is looking forward to (expecting with pleasure) the visit of his grandchildren.

I will look into (investigate) the matter.

.I look on (regard) him as my son.

Some look to (rely on) legislation to hasten the progress of social reforms.

Look to (be careful about) your manners.

Prices of piece goods are looking up (rising).

Things are looking up (improving).

His friends look up to (respect) him.

He will not look at (i.e. will reject) your offer.


Contentment makes for (conduces to) happiness.

He made over (presented, gave in charity) his bungalow to the Islam Orphanage.

I cannot make out (discover) the meaning of this verse.

I cannot make out (read, decipher) his handwriting.

You have failed to make out (prove) your case.

Some time ago the two brothers quarrelled but they have now made it up (become reconciled).

He generally passed by (overlooked) the faults of his subordinates.

The crew of the boat passed through (underwent) terrible sufferings.

He passes for (is regarded as) a great Sanskritist.

The Committee picked out (selected) the best players for the

He lost twenty pounds in sickness but is now picking up

(regaining or recovering health).

Unless we pull together (co-operate, work together in harmony) we cannot succeed.

My cousin pulled through (passed with difficulty) the examination.

The doctor says the patient will pull through (recover from his illness).

It is far easier to pull down (demolish) than to build up..

He was pulled up (scolded, rebuked) by the President.

He puts on (assumes) an air of dignity.

Please put out (extinguish) the light.

He was put out (vexed, annoyed) when I refused his request for a loan.

The plaintiff was put out (disconcerted) when the suit was dismissed.

He tried to put me off (evade me, satisfy me) with promises.

He has put in (made, sent in) a claim for compensation,

While travelling I had to put up with (endure) a good,deal of discomfort.

I cannot put up with (tolerate) his insolence.

They put him up to (incited him to) mischief.

I am sorry to put you to (give you) so much trouble.

He put off (postponed) his departure for a week.

The measure was put through (passed) without opposition.

On account of overwork he is run down (enfeebled).

He always runs down (disparages) his rivals.

The lease of our premises has run out (expired, come to an end).

He has run through (squandered away) his fortune.

The tailor's bill has run up to (amounted to) a large amount.

He has run into (incurred) debt.

While turning the corner I ran against (chanced to meet) an old friend.

Recently my expenses have run up (increased) considerably.

The cistern is running over (overflowing).

I saw through (detected) the trick.

It is hard to see into (discern) his motive.

His friends were present at the station to see him off (witness his departure).

The High Court set aside (annulled) the decree of the lower court.

He immediately set about (took steps towards) organizing the department.

He set off (started) for Peshawar early this morning.

The frame sets off the picture (i.e., enhances its beauty by contrast).

He has set up (started business) as a banker.

I have enough capital to set me up (establish myself) in trade.

He hired a palatial bungalow and set up for (pretended to be) a millionaire.

I was obliged to set him down (snub him).

You may set down (charge) this loss to me.

Who set you on (instigated you) to do it.

These seats are set apart (reserved) for ladies.

In his speech on prohibition, he set forth (explained, made

known his views) at length.

The robbers set upon (attacked) the defenceless travellers.

Winter in England sets in (begins) about December.

In Bombay there is no free library to speak of (worth mentioning).

I was determined to speak out (express my opinion freely).


They are determined to stand up for (vindicate, maintain) their rights.

Let this matter' stand over (be deferred or postponed) •for

the present.

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