Friday 18 December 2015

Sciences and Studies

This list defines sciences, arts and studies of Various degrees of respectability and rarity, ranging from the common and esteemed to the obscure and quirky. Over the past century, the range and scope of scientific endeavours has expanded exponentially, so that practically any field of study has a name associated with it. Most of these terms end in 'oIogy; from the Greek logos, meaning 'word'.
ACOUSTICS — science of sound
AERODYNAMICS — dynamics of gases; science of movement in a flow of air or gas
AEROLOGY study of the atmosphere
AERONAUTICS study of navigation through air or space
AGROBIOLOGYstudy of plant nutrition; soil yields
AGRONOMICS study of productivity of land
ASTROLOGYstudy of influence of stars on people
ASTRONOMY — study of celestial bodies
ASTROPHYSICS — study of behaviour of interstellar matter
AVIONICS — the science of electronic devices for aircraft
BIOMETRICSstudy of biological measurement
BOTANY — study of plants
CACOGENICS study of racial degeneration
CALORIFICS study of heat
CARTOGRAPHY — the science of making maps and globes
CATECHECTICS — the art of teaching by question and answer
CHALCOGRAPHY — the art of engraving on copper or brass
CHEMISTRY — study of properties of substances
CHIROGRAPHY study of handwriting or penmanship
CHIROLOGY study of the hands
CHIROPODY — medical science of feet
CRYOBIOLOGY — study of life under cold conditions
DACTYLOLOGY — study of sign language
DENDROLOGY — study of trees
DIAGRAPHICSart of making diagrams or drawings
ENTOMOLOGY — study of insects
EPISTEMOLOGY — study of grounds of knowledge
ERGONOMICS study of people at work
ETIOLOGY — the science of causes; especially of disease
ETYMOLOGY — study of origin of words
EUTHENICS science concerned with improving living conditions
GASTRONOMY — study of fine dining
GEOPONICSstudy of agriculture
HARMONICSstudy of musical acoustics
HERALDRY — study of coats of arms
HOROGRAPHY — art of constructing sundials or clocks
HOROLOGY — science of time measurement
HYDROPATHY — study of treating diseases with water
HOROLOGY — science of time measurement
ICHTHYOLOGY — study of fish
KINEMATICS study of motion
KINESICS study of gestural communication
KTENOLOGY — science of putting people to death
LIMNOLOGY study of bodies of fresh water
MATHEMATICS — study of magnitude, number, and forms
METALLURGY — study of alloying and treating metals
METAPHYSICS — study of principles of nature and thought
METEOROLOGY study of weather
METRICSstudy of versification
METROLOGY — science of weights and measures
MORPHOLOGY — study of forms and the development of structures
OBSTETRICS study of midwifery
OENOLOGYstudy of wines
OPHTHALMOLOGYstudy of eye diseases
OPTICS — study of light
OPTOMETRY — science of examining the eyes
ORTHOEPYstudy of correct pronunciation
ORTHOGRAPHY study of spelling
PAEDOTROPHY — art of rearing children
PATHOLOGY — study of disease
PHARMACOLOGY — study of drugs
PHILOSOPHY science of knowledge or wisdom
PHYSIOLOGY — study of processes of life
PROXEMICSstudy of man's need for personal space
PSEPHOLOGY — study of election results and voting trends
SEISMOLOGY — study of earthquakes
SEMIOTICS study of signs and symbols
SOCIOLOGY — study of society
SPELEOLOGY — study and exploration of caves
SYNTAX — study of sentence structure
TAXIDERMY art of curing and stuffing animals
TECTONICS — science of structure of objects, buildings and landforms
THEOLOGYstudy of religion; religious doctrine
TOPOLOGY — study of places and their natural features
TOXOPHILY — love of archery; archery; study of archery
XYLOGRAPHY — art of erigraving on wood
ZYMURGYbranch of chemistry dealing with brewing anddistilling

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