Friday 18 December 2015

Adjectives of Relation

                                  ADJECTIVES OF RELATION

(There are many terms which refer to a state of relating to or pertaining to a certain thing or category of things. Instead of using a phrase such as "pertaining to buttercups", you can substitute the adjective "ranunculaceous". We have compiled some such terms below. We use many of these words every day without realizing that they are part of this larger category.)

ABECEDARIAN - of, like or pertaining to the order of the alphabet; rudimentary
AESTIVAL - of, like or pertaining to summer
AGRESTIC - of the fields; rural; unpolished

ALAR - of, like or pertaining to the wing or shoulder
ALVEOLATE - of or like a honeycomb
AURICULAR - of, like or pertaining to the ear; spoken secretly
AVUNCULAR - like an uncle; of, like or pertaining to uncles
BATHYSMAL - of, like or pertaining to the depths of the ocean
BIBITORY - of, like or pertaining or pertaining to drinking
BUCCAL - of, like or pertaining to the mouth or cheek
BUCOLIC - of, like or pertaining to the tending of cattle; rustic, rural
BURSAL - of, like or pertaining to a state's revenues
CARPAL - of, like or pertaining to the wrist
CHTHONIAN - of, like or pertaining to the earth or the underworld
CONNUBIAL - of, like or pertaining to marriage
CREPUSCULAR - of, like or pertaining to twilight
CRETACEOUS - of or resembling chalk; of a whitish colour
DISTAFF - of, like or pertaining to the female branch of a family or women's work
EDACIOUS - voracious; gluttonous; pertaining to eating
EPISTOLARY - of, like or pertaining to letters
FENESTRAL - of, like or pertaining to windows
FUNICULAR - of, like or pertaining to a string or cable
GALACTIC - of, like or pertaining to or obtained from milk
HERMENEUTIC - of, like or pertaining to the interpretation passages
HIBERNAL - of, like or pertaining to winter
HISTRIONIC - of, like or pertaining to the stage or actors
HYPOTHECARY - of, like or pertaining to mortgages
INTERSTITIAL - of, like or pertaining to the space between things
LITTORAL - of, like or pertaining to the shore of a body water
MAGISTRAL - of, like or pertaining to a master or teacher
MARMOREAL - of or like marble
MATINAL - of, like or pertaining to the morning
MAXILLARY - of, like or pertaining to a jaw
MERETRICIOUS - of, like or pertaining to prostitution; superficially attractive but lacking value
OCCIPITAL - of, like or pertaining to the back of the head
OLEIC — of, like or pertaining to or derived from oil
OSCULAR — of, like or pertaining to the mouth or to kissing
PARIETAL — of a wall or walls, especially anatomical walls
PECUNIARY — of, like or pertaining to money; consisting of money
PLEBEIAN of the common people or vulgar classes
PRANDIAL — of, like or pertaining to dinner
PROCEPHALICof, like or pertaining to the front of the head
PUERPERALof, like or pertaining to childbirth
PYRETIC — of, pertaining to or for the cure of fevers
SARTORIAL — of, like or pertaining to a tailor or tailored clothes
SCIATIC — of, like or pertaining to the hip
SIDEREAL of, like or pertaining to the stars
STOCHASTICof, like or pertaining to a sequence of random events
SULPHOROUS — of, like or pertaining to hellfire; infernal; blasphemous
SUPERCILIARY of, on or near the eyebrow
TECTONIC — of, like or pertaining to building; structural
TERPSICHOREANof, like or pertaining to dancing
UMBILICAL — of, like or pertaining to the navel; related on the mother's side
UXORIAL — of, like or pertaining to a wife
VACCINE — of, like or pertaining to cows; preparation conferring immunity to disease
VALETUDINARIAN of, like or pertaining 'to ill-health; anxious about health
VERNALof, like or pertaining to spring
VISCERALof the organs of the body
VOLITIVE — of, like or pertaining to the will

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