Friday 18 December 2015

Bearing and Carrying

The following table is a relatively complete listing of words relating to the bearing, exuding, carrying, emitting, or containing of things by other things. Note that almost all of them end in "ferous" or "gerous" (from the Latin ferre and gerere, both meaning 'to bear).
AURIFEROUS bearing gold
BELLIFEROUS — bringing war

BRACHIFEROUS bearing or having branches or arms
BRANCHIFEROUShaving or bearing gills
CALCIFEROUS -• bearing lime
CARBONIFEROUS — bearing carbon
CARNIFEROUSbearing flesh; fleshy
CLAVIGEROUS — keeping keys
CONCHIFEROUS — bearing a shell
CONIFEROUSbearing cones
CRUCIFEROUS — bearing a cross
DIAMANTIFEROUSbearing diamonds
FLORIFEROUS bearing flowers
FRIGIFEROUSbearing or bringing cold
FRUCTIFEROUS bearing fruit
FRUGIFEROUSbearing fruit
LUCIFEROUSlight-bringing; light-giving
MORTIFEROUSdeath-bringing; fatal
ODORIFEROUS — emitting a usually pleasant smell
SACCHARIFEROUS bearing sugar
SACCIFEROUS — bearing a sac or sacs
TOXIFEROUS producing or bearing poison
VASIFEROUS — bearing a vessel or vas

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