Friday 18 December 2015

Carriages and Chariots

Each of the vehicles listed here is wheeled and non-motorized - a carriage, chariot, cart, buggy or similar thing. In general, this means that they will be horse-drawn (or donkey-drawn, or ... well, you get the picture). A number of these terms are foreign.
BROUGHAMone-horse closed carriage
CABRIOLETtwo-wheeled carriage

CHAISE light open carriage for one or two people
CHARABANCopen tourist coach with benches
COUPEfour-wheeled closed horse-drawn carriage
DOGCART — light two-wheeled carriage with seats back-to-back
DROSKHYlow four-wheeled open carriage
EKKA — small one-horse carriage
GHARRY — box-like Middle Eastern horse-drawn cab
GIGlight two-wheeled one-horse carriage
HACKNEYfour-wheeled two-horse carriage
HANSOMlight two-wheeled cab
LANDAU — horse-drawn car :age with folding top
PHAETON open four-wheeled carriage
SULKYlight two-wheeled, one-person horse-drawn carriage
TANDEMtwo-seated carriage with horses harnessed in series
TONGAlight two-wheeled carriage
TRAP — light one-horse carriage with springs
TROIKA — carriage drawn- by three horses
VICTORIA — light open two-seated four-wheeled carriage
WAGONETTEcarriage with one crosswise seat in front, two seats in back

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