Friday, 18 December 2015

Confusing Words S - Series


Ø  SALON (reception room; a shop where hairdressers and beauticians work) - She made it a point to dash down to the salon before every meeting.
SALOON (bar, den, hangout) - A meeting was convened in the hotel saloon.

Ø  SATIRE - make fun of, sarcasm
 SATYR - a woodland deity / god

Ø  SCHOLAR (intellectual, academician, guru) - He is a distinguished scholar of ancient Indian history.
PUPIL (student, disciple, beginner) - The pupils of the college were inspired by the scholarly director.
Ø  SCULL - oar to row a boat
SKULL - the bone of the head
Ø  SENSUAL (related to bodily desires; sexually exciting) - He takes a sensual delight in eating.
SENSUOUS (appealing to senses) - On the whole it was a very sensuous experience.

Ø  SEPTIC (infected by bacteria which produce pus) - One of the wounds became septic, necessitating a course of strong antibacterials.
SCEPTIC (a person who always doubts) - A sceptic may be prudent but not often popular.

Ø  SHEAR (trine, clip, shave, whittle) - The shepherd is shearing a sheep.
SHEER (complete, absolute) - He passed the examination by sheer determination and hard work.

Ø  SIMULATE (duplicate, imitate) - Pilots are trained on machines that simulate flying conditions.
STIMULATE (rouse, excite) - Hitler's speeches could stimulate the whole of Germany.

Ø  SOCIAL (living together in a group; liking companionship; fond of society) - Man is by nature a social animal.
SOCIABLE (friendly and pleasant) - Samir is a very sociable person.

Ø  SPECIOUS (plausible but false; illusive; untrue) - Her arguments were quite specious but her fighting spirit was making an impression.
SPACIOUS (roomy, big, jumbo) - The debate was held in a spacious hall.

Ø  SPIRITUAL (riot material) - Spiritual awakening must accompany intellectual development.
SPIRITUOUS (containing or of the nature of alcohol) - The illegal spirituous preparation made hundreds of people blind.                                             

Ø  STALACTITE (column of rock hanging from the roof of a cave)
STALAGMITE (column of rock rising from the floor of a caveStalactites and stalagmites are found in limestone cave systems.

Ø  STATIONARY (motionless) -- The speeding goods train rammed into the stationary passenger train.
STATIONERY (writing material) - We will not save much by cutting down on stationery.

Ø  STORY (narrative) - Jeffrey Archer is one of the best storytellers of our times.
STOREY (a single floor or level of a multilevel building) - The 25-storey building was the tallest in the suburb.
Ø  STILE - steps, especially wooden
 STYLE - shape or manner

Ø  STRAIT (difficult situation; narrow channel of sea) - He is in dire straits.
STRAIGHT (direct, traditional) - The straight road to Mumbai will save you an hour but will cost you more in terms of toll charges.

Ø  SUIT (to fit) This proposal will suit the leaders, I am sure.
SUITE (a set of connected rooms) -- A suite was reserved for the Prime Minister in the best hotel in town.

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