Ø TEAM (group) - The Indian cricket team has been selected by the BCCI.
TEEM (abound, swarm) - The valley teems with tourists during the summers.
Ø THRASH (beat, batter, assail, attack) - The boy was thrashed by his teacher for indiscipline.
THRESH (beat the grain out of ears or cobs) - It is the time for farmers to carry out their threshing.
Ø TROOP (a company of persons or animals moving together) - The American troops suffered heavy losses in Vietnam.
TROUPE (a group of entertainers like circus, dances etc.) - The world-famous circus troupe is in town.
Ø TORTUOUS (spiral, twisting, winding) - The accused gave some tortuous answers about the reason for his presence at the scene of the crime.
TORTUROUS (painful, distorting) - The preparations required for passing MBA may appear torturous but the rewards make it all worthwhile.
Ø TURBID (muddy, soiled, clouded) - The water from the municipal taps is often turbid.
TURGID (inflated, pompous) - The author's style is quite turgid and not particularly _suited for humour.
Ø TYPEWRITER (machine for printing, one character at a time) - PCs have replaced typewriters in most offices.
TYPIST (a person who uses the typewriter) - The skill of an experienced typist is still valuable when it comes to using a computer keyboard.
Ø UNHUMAN (lacking in human characteristics) - The creature from outer space had an unhuman form in the movie.
INHUMAN (cruel or without human feelings) - The Nazis were very inhuman in their approach.
Ø ULTERIOR (hidden, covert, secret) - The inspector was sure that the thief had some ulterior motive when the latter announced his desire to mend his ways.
ULTIMATE (final, maximum, limiting, highest) - Conquering the Everest remains the ultimate challenge for a mountaineer.
Ø UNQUESTIONED (that which has not been questioned) -The statement was accepted by both parties, unquestioned.
UNQUESTIONABLE (impossible or not open to question) - His loyalty is unquestionable.
Ø URBAN (belonging to the city or town) - The migration of villagers to urban areas is alarming.
URBANE (refined, polished, cultured) - Vinod is a very urbane person.
Ø UXORIOUS (submissively fond of a wife) - The villagers teased their newly married neighbour as being too uxorious.
UXORICIDE (wife killing) - It was a shock when the person they took to be uxorious was taken away by the police for uxoricide.
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