Friday 18 December 2015

Forms of Government

Each of the following words indicates a type of government by a certain kind of person or institution. Etymologically-minded folks should note the difference between the suffix 'archy, meaning rulership, and 'cracy. meaning power, which both come from Greek roots.
ACRACY - government by none; anarchy
ALBOCRACY government by white people

 ANDROCRACYgovernment by men
ANTARCHY — opposition to government; anarchy
ARGENTOCRACYgovernment by money
ARISTARCHY — government by the best
ARISTOCRACY government by the nobility
ARITHMOCRACYgovernment by simple majority
AUTARCHY -- government by an absolute ruler
AUTOCRACYgovernment by one individual
BUREAUCRACYgovernment by civil servants
CHIROCRACY government by physical force
COSMARCHY rulership over the entire world, esp. by the devil
DEMARCHY -- government by the people; popular government
DEMOCRACY government by the people
ENDARCHY centralised government
EXARCHY- government by bishops
GERONTOCRACY government by the aged
GYNARCHYgovernment by women; gynocracy
HAGIOCRACYgovernment by holy men
HIERARCHY government by a ranked body; government by priests
IATRARCHYgovernment by physicians
IDIOCRACY — personal rule; self-rule
KAKISTOCRACYgovernment by the worst
KRITARCHYgovernment by judges
MATRIARCHY government by women or mothers
MERITOCRACYgovernment by the meritorious
MESOCRACYgovernment by the middle classes
MOBOCRACYgovernment by mobs or crowds; ochlocracy
MONARCHY government by one individual
OLIGARCHY government by the few
PANTARCHY government by all the people; world government
PATRIARCHYgovernment by men or fathers
PLUTARCHY — government by the wealthy; plutocracy
POPOCRACYgovernment by populists
PSEPHOCRACY — government resulting from election by ballot
STATOCRACYgovernment by the state alone, without ecclesiastical influence
TECHNOCRACYgovernment by technical experts
THEOCRACYgovernment by priests or by religious law
XENOCRACYgovernment by a body of foreigners

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