Friday 18 December 2015

Killing and Killers

Anyone who has looked at the news lately knows that the human species seems to have an inordinate propensity for killing things. Similarly, anyone looking at this list of terms relating to killing will quickly realize that humans also have an inordinate propensity for making up words about killing things. All of these words end in 'cider from Latin caedere, to kill. Of all of these, though, perhaps the greatest crime of all is verbicide, the brutal slaughter of our language by incompetents and ignoramuses. Will the atrocities never end?
ABORTICIDEkilling of a foetus; abortion; foeticide
AMICICIDE — murder of a friend

BIOCIDEkilling living material
DEICIDEdestruction or killing of a god
ECOCIDEdestruction of the environment
FILICIDE killing of one's own child
FRATRICIDEkilling of one's brother
FUNGICIDEkilling of fungus
GENOCIDEkilling of a race or ethnic group
GERMICIDE substance that kills germs
GYNAECIDEkilling of women
HERBICIDEkilling of plants
HERETICIDEkilling of heretics
HOMICIDEkilling of a human being
INFANTICIDEkilling of an infant
INSECTICIDEkilling of insects
MARITICIDE — killing or killer of one's husband
MATRICIDE — killing of one's mother
PARASUICIDEharmful act appearing to be an attempt at suicide
PARRICIDE killing of parents or a parent-like close relative
PATRICIDE — killing of one's father
REGICIDEkilling of a monarch
SIBLICIDEkilling or killer of a sibling
SORORICIDEkilling of one's own sister
TAURICIDE killing or killer of a bull
TYRANNICIDEkilling or killer of a tyrant
URBICIDEdestruction of a city
UXORICIDEkilling of one's own wife
VATICIDEkilling or killer of a prophet

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