Friday 18 December 2015

French Words

A LA CARTE - According to a menu that prices each item separate , ordered separately from the menu
A LA MODE - According to the fashion; topped with ice cream
AMOUR - A usually illicit love affair

AMOUR PROPER - self-respect
AU COURANT - well-informed
AU FAIT - Familiar with latest developments or facts
AU FOND - At bottom; fundamentally, basically, essentially
AU NATUREL - raw, cooked in the simplest way
AVANT-GARDE - Radically new or original; a creative group active in innovation and application of new concepts and techniques, innovators , especially in art or literature
BEAUX-ARTS -  The fine arts
BEAU GESTE - a noble gesture
BEAU IDEAL - the highest type of excellence or beauty, paragon
BETE NOIRE – one’s particular aversion, a bugbear, nemesis
BELLES-LETTRES - Literary work valued for aesthetic content rather than information
BILLET-DOUX - A love letter
BIJOU – jewel , trinket.
BONA FIDE - genuine, sincere
BON MOT - A clever saying; witticism, witty saying
BON VIVANT – a person who enjoys good food and has luxurious social tastes, someone indulging in good living
BON VOYAGE - Expression of goodwill at the start of a new journey or venture.
CARTE BLANCHE - Complete freedom or authority to act
CAFE AU LAIT - white coffee i.e. coffee with cream
CAFE NOIR - black coffee
CAUSE CELEBRE - An incident or event that attracts great public attention; a notorious person, thing, incident or episode
CHERCHEZ LA FEMME - there is a woman at the bottom of it
COUP - A brilliant and notable success; a sudden, illegal change of government by force
COUP DE GRACE -a finishing stroke, to kill a wounded creature 
COUP D'ETAT - violent seizure of power
COUP DE GRACE - The mortal or finishing stroke delivered to someone mortally wounded; a decisive finishing blow, act or event
COUP DE MAIN – a sudden action undertaken to surprise an enemy
COUP D'ETAT- a sudden overthrowing of government and
seizure of power by others
CRIME PASSION EL - A crime provoked by passion, usually sexual jealousy
DEJA VU - The feeling of having already experienced something actually being experienced first time
DEMODE - Outmoded; no longer in fashion, out of fashion
DEMOISELLE - A young unmarried woman
DE RIGUEUR - Required by the current fashion or social custom; socially obligatory
EN BLOC - as a group, wholesale
ENFANT TERRIBLE - unruly person
EN MASSE -- all together
TETE-A-TETE - An private conversation between two people, an intimate, one-on-one conversation
TOUR DE FORCE - A feat of strength or virtuosity; masterly or brilliant feat, a feat of strength or skill
TROUVAILLE - a lucky find, windfall
VIEUX JEU - old fashioned, hackneyed
VIS-A-VIS - In relation to, compared with; face-to-face with
VOLTE-FACE - A sudden policy reversal
ENTENTE CORDIALE - a friendly understanding between states                                                                                     
ENTRE NOUS - between you and me
EMINENCE GRISE - A person who exercises his power or influence without holding an official position
ENFANT TERRIBLE - A person whose shocking remarks or
outrageous behaviour causes embarrassment to others
ESPRIT DE CORPS - A spirit of devotion among members of a group for one another and the group as a whole, devotion to one's group
FAIT ACCOMPLI - An accomplished, and presumably irreversible fact, something that has been done and is beyond alteration
FAUX PAS - A disastrous mistake; a socially awkward or tactless blunder; a breach of etiquette, indiscretion
GARCON - a waiter in a French restaurant
HAUTE COUTURE - High-class dressmaking; trendsetting fashions, high fashion
HAUTE CUISINE - Artful and elaborate cuisine
HORS DE COMBAT - out of the action, disabled                                                               
IDEE FIXE - A fixed idea; an obsession
JOIE DE VIVRE - The energy and love of life; keen enjoyment of living
JE NE SAIS QUOI - an undefinable something, some emotion that can't be defined
LAISSEZ-FAIRE - The doctrine of abstaining from direction of or interference with individual freedom of choice and action
MAL DE MER - seasickness
MOT - a witty saying
MOT JUSTE - The most appropriate word or expression                                                          
NOBLESSE - Noble birth or condition; the aristrocracy
NOBLESSE OBLIGE - Benevolent behaviour considered to be responsibility of persons of high birth or rank
NOM DE PLUME - an assumed name under which someone writes
NOUVEAU RICHE - A derogatory term meaning one who has lately become ostentatiously rich
PAR EXCELLENCE -- To the highest degree; the best of a kind
PASSE - Outdated
PAR AVION - by airmail
PAS DE DEUX - a dance for two people
PAS SEUL - a solo dance
RAISON D'ETRE - the purpose that justifies a things existence, The reason or justification for existence
RISQUE - Suggestive or bordering on indecency or impropriety
SANG-FROID - composure in agitating circumstances
SOIGNE - well-groomed

TANT PIS - so much the worse

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