Friday 18 December 2015

German Words

ANGST - Feeling of anxiety, apprehension or insecurity
BLITZ -- An intense campaign or effort
BLITZKRIEG - A swift, sudden military offensive, usually by combined air and land forces

DACHSHUND - A small dog of a breed developed in Germany
GESUNDHEIT -- Used to wish good health to a person who has just sneezed, meaning "Bless you !"
HAUSFRAU - A housewife
HINTERLAND - The land lying inland from a coast; region away from urban areas
KAISER - An emperor
KINDERGARTEN - A school or class for children between the age of four and six
KITSCH - Appealing to popular or lowbrow taste, usually of poor quality
LEBENSRAUM - Space needed for life, growth or activity
LOAFER -• One who does no work; low leather step-in shoe
LUFTWAFFE - The German air force
MENSCH - a person of integrity and honor
PUTSCH - Sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force
REALPOLITIK - Politics based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations
REICH - The German state or empire
RUCKSACK - A bag carried by a strap around the back or shoulder
SCHMALTZ - Excessive sentimentality, especially in music or art
SWINDLE - To take or obtain money or property by deceit or fraud
UBERMENSCH - a superman
UNTERMENSCH - a racially inferior person (as per the Nazi terms)
WALTZ - A smooth flowing ballroom dance
WELTANSCHAUUNG - A comprehensive view of the world and human life
WELTSCHMERZ - Sadness on thinking about the evils of the world
ZEITGEIST - The spirit of the times; the taste characteristic of a generation

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