Friday 18 December 2015

Italian Words

ALFRESCO - In the open air
ARCADE - A series of arches supported by columns, piers or pillars; common passageway with shops or stalls
ARRIVEDERCI - A farewell remark; goodbye for now
BANDIT - Crook, criminal, brigand

CAMEO - A technique of engraving in relief on gem, stone; a small but noticeable role in a play or a film
CANTO - Any of the principal divisions of a long poem
CAPRICE - Sudden impulsive notion or action; sudden, unpredictable change
CARESS - Gentle affectionate touching or stroking
CARICATURE - Exaggerated representation for comic effect
CARNIVAL - Season or festival or merrymaking
CASINO - A place for gambling
CHE SARA, SARA - Whatever will be, will be
CICERONE - A guide who conducts and informs sightseers
COGNOSCENTE - A person of expert knowledge; connoisseur
DILETTANTE - Amateur, nonprofessional, beginner; a dabbler in fine arts
DOLCE VITA - A life of comfort or luxury and lazy self-indulgence, a life of pleasure and luxury
FIASCO - Failure, disaster
MACARONI A pasta in the form of slender tubes
NEPOTISM - Favouritism based on kinship
PARAPET - A low protective wall or railing along the edge of a roof
PIAZZA - Public square in Italy
PRIMA DONNA - The leading female singer in an opera; vain and temperamental person
REGATTA - A series of boat races
SENTINEL - Guard, picket, sentry
SEQUIN - A small shiny ornamental disc of metal or plastic
SONATA - A musical composition in three or four parts, usually for the piano

SONNET - A 14-line poem with a particular pattern of rhyme

SOTTO VOCE - Very softly so as not to be heard; in an undertone, mutter
SPAGHETTI - A pasta in the form of long strings
STILETTO - A small dagger with tapering blade; woman's shoe with narrow high heel
STUCCO - A plaster for ceilings and walls, which can be formed into decorative patterns
TARANTULA - A large, hairy tropical spider

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