Friday 18 December 2015

Japanese Word

AIKIDO - A Japanese martial art
BONSAI - The art of growing dwarfed trees; dwarfed ornamental tree or shrub
GEISHA - A Japanese woman trained to entertain men with conversation, singing and dancing

HAIKU - A short Japanese poem with 17 syllables
HARA-KIRI - Ritual suicide by cutting open the stomach with a sword
IKEBANA - The art of formal flower arrangements
JUJITSU - A method of unarmed self-defence
KAMIKAZE - A suicide pilot or plane of the Second World War
KENDO - Fencing with bamboo swords
KIMONO - A traditional Japanese dress
MIKADO - A Japanese emperor
SAMURAI - A warrior belonging to the military aristrocracy of feudal Japan
SAYONARA - Goodbye
SHINTO - A Japanese religion
SHOGUN - Military rulers of Japan under the Japanese emperor
SOGO SHOSHA - A large diverse Japanese company
SUMO - An elaborate ritualised form of  wrestling
ZAIBATSU - Large Japanese industrial combine usually controlled by a single family or a few families

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