Friday 18 December 2015


ACCRETION (N) gradual addition of new layers of land to the old by alluvial deposits or water-borne sediment
AGGRADE (V) to build up a grade or slope by the deposit of sediment
ALLUVIAL (ADJ) pertaining to sediment deposited by flowing water, usually at the bottom of a body of water

ALPINE (ADJ) pertaining to the Alps; living or growing above timber line
APEX (N) tip, point or angular summit (of a mountain)
AVULSION (N) rapid erosion of a shoreline during a flood or change in course of body of water
BENTHAL (AD)) pertaining to the deepest zone or region of the ocean; relating to or happening on the bottom under a body of water
CALDERA (N) a crater formed at the top of a volcanic mountain
CATARACT (N) a waterfall of great volume in which the vertical flow is concentrated in one sheer drop
CONFLUENCE (N) the point of convergence and uniting of two streams
EDDY (N) circular movement of water produced by counter currents
ESTUARY (N) arm of sea that extends inland to meet the mouth of a river; river basin affected by ocean tides, having a mixture of fresh and salt water
FJORD (N) a long narrow body of water sheltered by high cliffs on both sides
MERIDIAN (N) an imaginary circle, passing through both north and south poles
SEDIMENTARY (ADJ) describing accumulation of material deposited by water, wind or glaciers
STEPPE (N) vast, open land with no green cover; a characteristic of Eastern Europe and Central Russia
TUNDRA (N) a vast, cold treeless region between the icecap and the treeline of Arctic regions
VELD (N) open grassland with grasses and shrubs; a characteristic of South Africa

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