Friday 18 December 2015


AMNESTY (N) a general pardon by a govt. for past offences
DESPOT (N) cruel and oppressive dictator
HEGEMONY (N) domination by one state over others

INSURGENCY (N) a minor revolt against a local government; uprising
MANDATE (N) authority conferred on an elected official by the  electorate
MORATORIUM (N) a legally authorised period of delay in the performance of a legal obligation or the payment of a debt;  awaiting period set by an authority; a suspension of activity       
POLITY (N) a system or form of government
POTENTATE (N) a monarch, dictator; person possessing great power
RATIFY (V) to approve officially; sanction; confirm
REFERENDUM (N) popular vote on either proposed legislation or a popular initiative
REGIME (N) the government of a specific leader; administration
SECEDE (N) to separate from an organised body of government
SUBJUGATE (V) to conquer or dominate a people or territory
SUBVERT (V) to overthrow, ruin, corrupt or otherwise undermine the stability or order of a government
SUFFRAGE (N) the right to vote
THRALLDOM (N) slavery; serfdom
TITULAR (AD)) in title only (e.g, a monarch or president); nominal and without actual power or authority
TYRANNY (N) absolute authority, usually exercised oppressively
USURP (V) to assume political power or office by force or without right

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