Friday 18 December 2015


ALLEGORY (N) a style that uses fictional characters and events to describe something; use of extended metaphors as a device for teaching a lesson
ALLUSION (N) reference in a literary Work to an identifiable person, event, place or passage
ANTHOLOGY (N) a collection selections from the writing of one or more authors

APOCRYPHAL (ADJ) of unknown authorship or doubtful integrity
DENOUEMENT (N) the final unfolding of a plot; the final resolution or outcome following the climax
DOGGEREL (N) poetic verse of generally poor quality- verse characterised by a crude, rough or irregular styie
ELEGY (N) poem (or song) of mourning; a lament
EPIC (N) a long narrative poem about a hero's deeds; very imposing or impressive
EUPHEMISM (N) a pleasant or complimentary word or phrase used instead of one that is harsh or derogatory
FIGURATIVE (ADJ) words and phrases used not with their basic meaning but a more imaginative meaning
LIMERICK (N) a somewhat humorous poem of 5 lines in which the first, second and fifth lines rhyme and the third and fourth lines which are shorter than the other three, form a rhymed couplet
METAPHOR (N) a comparison between two unlike things that is not so apparent, yet very suggestive and forceful, as in "she has a heart of stone"
MOTIF (N) a dominant idea of central theme; a design that consists of recurring shapes or colours
PASTICHE (N) a literary, artistic, musical or architectural work that is a stylistic imitation of a previous work; a literary, artistic or musical work made up of selections from different works
PSEUDONYM (N) a fictitious name used by an author
SATIRE (N) a literary form employing irony, ridicule and sarcasm
SIMILE (N) a comparison of two unlike things using `like' or 'as'.
SCHOLTAST (N) an ancient commentator or annotator of classic texts
TREATISE (N) a comprehensive and systematic literary examination of a particular subject
VIGNETTE (N) a short piece of writing, music or acting; small illustrative sketch; a photograph with edges that shade off gradually

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