Friday 18 December 2015


ANACHRONISM (N) a word or expression not corresponding to the language of a given period of history; anything seemingly from another time
ANAGRAM (N) a word or group of words made by rearranging the letters of another word or group of words

APHASIA (N) loss of the ability to understand or produce speech, as a result of brain damage
ARGOT (N) specialised langauage and idioms of a group
CANT (V) hypocritical talk
COLLOQUIAL (AD)) informal spoken or written expression
DIALECT (N) a distinctive regional variety of a language
EUPHONIC (AD)) having an agreeable or pleasing sound
IDIOM (N) an expression which has a special meaning different from the meaning of the individual words that make up the expression
LEXICON (N) collection of words arranged alphabetically and their definitions
LOCUTION (N) a particular form of expression or a peculiarity of phrasing
PATOIS (N) regional form of a language
PHONETIC (AD)) based on sounds (e.g, the phonetic spelling of a word
RHETORIC_ (N) study of the technique and rules of effective usage of language; using !anguage effectively to please or persuade
ROSTRUM (N) a platform for public speaking; dais
SEMANTIC (AD)) connected with the meanings of words
SYNTAX (N) grammatical arrangement of words in a sentence
TRANSCRIBE (V) to reduce speech to a written form

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