Friday 18 December 2015

Philosophy and Logic

AUTONOMY (N) independence from external constraints; self-determination
CANON (N) a rule, norm, tenet or principle that is logically consistent
CORPOREAL (AD)) relating to the body or to physical matter

DIALECTIC (N) a formal system of reasoning that arrives at the   truth by the exchange of logical arguments; a way of discovering what is true by considering opposite theories
EMPIRICAL (N) based on direct or practical observation and experience

FALLACIOUS (AD') logically unsound; misleading or deceptive
HEURISTIC (AD)) serving to persuade through discovery and revelation rather than through logic or rhetoric; allowing to learn by discovering from own experiences rather than by telling
METAPHYSICS (N) the part of philosophy about understanding existence and knowledge
NIHILISM (N) the belief that there is no purpose to existence; rejection of established laws and institutions
NON SEQUITUR (N) that which does not follow logically
ONTOLOGY (N) a branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature and relations of being
PARADOX (N) a seemingly contradictory assertion that may nevertheless be true or valid
POSTULATE (N) a hypothesis that cannot be demonstrated; a proposition accepted as true in order to provide a basis for logical reasoning
TAUTOLOGY (N) an unnecessary repetition of a word or phrase that does not add to the clarity of the term. An example would be "widow woman" or "he will either win or not win"

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