Friday 18 December 2015


DEBUT (N) an actor's first performance; appear for the first time in public
HISTRIONICS (N) acting in highly theatrical or overly dramatic, exaggerated style; very emotional] and energetic behaviour but lacking in sincerity and real meaning

IMPRESARIO (N) a manager, promoter or sponsor for performing artists; a sponsor who books and stages public entertainments
LIBRETTIST (N) a person who writes the words for an opera or a musical
MARQUEE (N) covering like roof, often of metal and glass projecting out over the entrance to a hotel or theatre; a large tent used for social or commercial functions; a scrolling screen message
ODEUM (N) small theatre or concert hall
PANTOMIME (N) performance using gestures and body movements without words
PERIPETEIA (N) a sudden or unexpected reversal of circumstances or situation, especially in a literary work
REPERTORY (N) a theatrical company that presents several different plays, operas or pieces in the course of a season at one theatre; one's entire range : , skills, aptitudes or devices
TABLEAU (N) a stage picture created by actors posing motionless

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