Friday 18 December 2015

Latin Words

A FORTIORI - For a more compelling reason; all the more 
A POSTERIORI - Reasoning based on observed facts
A PRIORI - Reasoning based on general principles, not facts; self-evident

AB INITIO - from the beginning 
AB OVO - from the very beginning
AD HOC - for a particular purpose
AD HOC - For a special reason or purpose
D HOMINEM - Personal criticism     
AD INFINITUM - without limit, for ever 
AD INTERIM - meanwhile
AD INFINITUM - to an excessive or disgusting degree
AD NAUSEAM - To an extent that is sickening or disgusting
ALMA MATER - Fostering mother; the school, college or university one attended
ALTER EGO -- The other self, a very close friend, trusted friend
ANNUS MIRABILIS - A wonderful year; an year  characterized by great happenings, a remarkable or auspicious year
BONA FIDE - In good faith; without fraud; honestly
CAVEAT - Warning; formal notice filed with court to suspend proceedings pending hearing
CAVEAT EMPTOR - Let the buyer beware; a commercial principle that without a warranty the buyer takes the risk, the buyer alone is responsible for the consequences
CURRICULUM - Outline, layout or course of action; a set of courses
CURRICULUM VITAE - Summary of academic and work history prepared typically to apply for a position
DE FACTO - Existing; in reality or fact
DEUS EX MACHINA - A person or thing that appears unexpectedly to solve a difficult problem
DRAMATIS PERSONAE - Actors in a drama; participants in an event
EX CATHEDRA - By the authority of one's position
EX GRATIA - Out of goodwill, not legally binding, as a favor rather than from obligation
EX NIHILO - out of nothing
EX OFFICIO - By virtue of one's office
IN TOTO - Entirely; in full
INFRA DIGNITATEM - Beneath one's dignity; often colloquially shortened as INFRA DIG
INTER ALIA - Among other things
IPSO FACTO - By the fact itself
LINGUA FRANCA - Language of the masses; common language
MAGNUM OPUS - A great work; masterpiece; crowning achievement
MEA CULPA -- Acknowledgment of one's own fault or guilt
MODUS OPERANDI - Method of procedure; distinct pattern of operation
MODUS VIVENDI - Way of life; feasible arrangement
NIL DESPERANDUM - never give up hope
NON SEQUITUR - Conclusion that does not follow logically; response unrelated to circumstances; inappropriate remark, an illogical conclusion
PARI PASSU - Side by side; at equal rate or pace
PERSONA GRATA - An acceptable person
PERSONA. NON GRATA - An unacceptable person
PRIMA FACIE - At first sight; on first appearance
POST FACTUM - After the fact
PRO RATA - In proportion
POST PARTUM - after childbirth
QUID PRO QUO - Something for something, something given in fair exchange, barter
RARA AVIS -• a rare kind of person or thing
REDUCTIO AD ABSURDUM- A reduction to the absurd
SANCTUM SANCTORUM - Place of inviolable privacy or great sanctity
SINE DIE - Without a date set (for the next meeting), adjourned indefinitely (esp. parliament)
SINE QUA NON - Without which not; something indispensable, an indispensable requirement
STATUS QUO - Existing state of affairs
SUB ROSA -- Secretly; in confidence
SUI GENERIS - Unique; in a class of its own
TERRA INCOGNITA - Unknown territory; unexplored field of knowledge
ULTRA VIRES - Beyond the power possessed; beyond the scope
VOX POPULI - Voice of the people; popular sentiment, public opinion

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