Friday 18 December 2015

Spanish Words

AFICIONADO - An enthusiastic admirer or follower of something, especially a sport
ALCAZAR - A Spanish palace or fortress
ARMADA - A large fleet of warships

ARMADILLO - An omnivorous burrowing mammal with body and head covered by an armour of small, bony plates
BONANZA - Fortune, blessing, gain; something very valuable, profitable or rewarding
BRAVADO - False bravery; foolhardy
CABALLERO - A gentleman, a cavalier, a knight
CANTINA - A bar or a wine shop
CAUDILLO - A Spanish or Latin American military dictator
COCHINEAL - A South American insect; a bright red dye made from the dried bodies of these insects
CORTES - Two houses constituting the national legislative body of Spain or Portugal
DESPERADO - Someone who does risky, dangerous and often criminal things
EL DORADO - A place of fabulous wealth or opportunity
EMBARGO - Ban, prohibition; order to stop something, usually trading or giving of information; to officially stop trading with another country
FIESTA - A holiday; a public celebration with entertainments and activities
FLOTILLA - A fleet of small ships
GRANDEE - A gentleman of the highest rank
LASSO - A long rope with a running noose at one end used to catch cattle, horses etc.
MANANA - Sometime in the future; later
MARIJUANA - Commonly used illicit drug; the source plant of this drug
MERINO - A type of sheep known for its fine wool
OMERTA - code of silence, as practiced by the Mafia
PECCADILLO - A small sin or fault
PLAZA - A public square
QUE SERA, SERA - Whatever will be, will be
RANCH - Spread, farm
RODEO - An enclosure for cattle; exhibition of cowboy skill
SIESTA -Afternoon sleep
STAMPEDE - Sudden uncontrolled movement of animals or people, usually in the same direction, caused by panic

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