Friday 18 December 2015

Names for Names

This short list defines some words relating to names. These words contain the root "nym ; which comes from the Greek onoma, a name.
ACRONYMword formed from initial letters of another word
ALLONYM — other person's name used by an author

ANANYM — name written backward; often used as synonym
ANONYMperson whose name is not given; pseudonym
ANTONYM — word whose meaning is the opposite of a given word
APTRONYM — name that suits its owner
AUTONYM — a writer's real name; work published under writer's own name
CACONYM wrongly derived name
COHYPONYMword which is one of multiple hyponyms of another word
CRYPTONYM — secret name
DIONYM name containing two parts or terms
EPONYM — personal name from which another name is derived
EUONYM — a pleasing or beautiful name
EUONYMOUS — appropriately named
EUPHONYMeuphonious synonym
EXONYMname for a town or country in a foreign language
HETERONYM word having same spelling but different sound and meaning
HOMONYMwords having the same sound but different meanings
HYPERNYM — word representing a class of words or things
HYPONYM — term which is a member of a larger class
ISONYMword having the same derivation or form as another
MERONYM — word whose relation to another is a part to the whole
METONYMY — figurative use of word to name an attribute of its subject
METRONYMY system of naming after the mother's or female line
ONYMOUSbearing the author's name
PAEDONYMICname taken from one's child
PARANYM euphemism; word whose meaning is altered to conceal evasion
PARONYMword from same root or having same sound as another
PATRONYMname derived from father's name
POLYONYM — name consisting of several words
PSEUDONYM — fictitious name used by an author
RETRONYM — new name as modification of older term used alone
SYNONYM — word whose meaning is the same as another word
TAUTONYM — taxonomic name in which genus and species are the same
TEKNONYMY — the naming of the parent from the child
TOPONYM — place name derived from geographical feature
TRIONYM — name consisting or three words

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