Friday 18 December 2015

Personality Types

ADONIS — a handsome young man loved by the Greek goddess of love; any handsome young man

ADROIT — quick and skilful in thought or action
AESTHETE — a person who studies and enjoys beauty

AGNOSTIC — a person who is not sure whether God exists
ALTER EGO — the side of one's personality usually not seen by others
ALTRUIST — one willing to help others even it causes disadvantage to oneself
AMAZON — a tall, strong, masculine woman
AMBIDEXTROUS — able to use both hands with equal ease
AMBIVERT — a person who has qualities of an introvert as well as an extrovert
ASCETIC — one who leads a life of self-denial, avoiding physical pleasures
ATHEIST — one who does not believe that God exists
BIGAMIST — one who illegally marries a person while already legally married to another
CHAUVINIST — a person with a prejudiced belief in the superiority of one's own race, cause or nation
CIRCE — the enchantress in Greek mythology who lured sailors to her island and turned them into pigs
CLAIRVOYANT — a person who claims to see the future or things others cannot see
COMPLACENT — one who feels satisfied in one's condition or situation, not feeling any need to try harder
CONNOISSEUR —  an expert, especially in judging excellence in food, arts etc.
CONSERVATIVE — one who has old ideas; resistant to change
COQUETTE — a seductive woman who uses sex appeal to exploit men
DEMAGOGUE — a person who wins support by exciting emotions and prejudices
DEXTEROUS — ability to think or act skilfully or quickly
DILETTANTE — a person who appears interested but has a shallow understanding of a subject, especially arts
EGOCENTRIC — with a great feeling of one's own importance and ability
EGOIST — self-centred person with little regard for others
EGOTIST — one who talks excessively about oneself; conceited and self-centred
ELITE — the socially superior part of a society; the creamy layer; best of a class
EPICUREAN - one who is devoted to the best forms of sensuous enjoyment
ERUDITE — having or showing profound knowledge
EXTROVERT — an energetic, happy, outgoing person who enjoys being with others
FUTILITARIAN — one who believes that human efforts are futile
GAUCHE — young, inexperienced, awkward and uncomfortable with other people
GLUTTON — one who eats and drinks in excess
GOURMAND — someone greatly interested in good food and drink
GOURMET — a connoisseur of food and drink
GREGARIOUS — a person who seeks and enjoys the company of others
GULLIBLE — someone who is too trusting and easily deceived
ICONOCLAST — one who strongly opposes generally accepted beliefs and traditions
INDEFATIGABLE — determined, energetic and never willing to admit defeat
INHIBITED — a person who is too shy to say or do what he wants to
INTELLIGENTSIA — highly educated and especially interested in arts and politics
INTROVERT — someone who is shy, quiet and unable to make friends easily
JINGOIST — strong believer in one's own nation's superiority
JUDAS — a person who can betray anyone
LIBERAL — someone who favours reform and progress; tolerant; broad-minded
MAGNANIMOUS — very large-hearted, extremely forgiving by nature
MARTINET — strict disciplinarian; someone who demands absolute conformity to rules and forms
MASOCHIST — a person who enjoys receiving punishment
MAUDLIN — feeling sad and very sorry for oneself
MISANTHROPE — one who dislikes other human beings and avoids involvement with society
MISOGAMIST — a person who hates marriage
MISOGYNIST — one who hates women
MODEST — simple; humble in spirit or manner
MONOGAMIST — one who believes in and practises being married to one person at a time
NUMISMATIST — a collector of coins
OBSEQUIOUS — excessively servile
OPINIONATED — a person who stubbornly sticks to his or her own opinions
PANDERER — a person who caters to the vulgar passions or plans of others; a pimp
PARVENU — someone who has newly acquired wealth and position but does not have the social skills to go with the new status

PEDAGOGUE — a teacher who is too formal and not very interesting
PEDANT — one who gives too much attention to formal rules or minor details
PERSPICACIOUS — one quick in noticing, understanding or judging things accurately; a very brilliant person
PHILANTHROPIST — one who helps poor people; lover of mankind
PHILATELIST — a collector of stamps
PHLEGMATIC — a person who stays calm and does not get emotional or excited in any situation
POLYGAMIST - one who believes in and practises being married more than one person at a time

POLYGLOT- a person who can speak many languages

POMPOUS - too serious about and full of oneself

PUERILE -immature, silly, trivial, childish

PUNCTILIOUS - very particular about correct behaviour and  attention to detail

PUSILLANIMOUS - one who lacks courage, strength and
resolution; ridiculously fearful
SADIST -- a person who enjoys causing pain to others
SCEPTIC - a person who habitually doubts values or beliefs
SINISTER - evil; wicked; dishonourable
SOLITARY - one who prefers to stay alone or in solitude
STOIC - a person indifferent to emotions, pain as well as pleasure
SUAVE - smoothly agreeable and courteous, sophisticated
SUPERCILIOUS - showing arrogant superiority; contemptuous of views and opinions of others
SYCOPHANT - a servile person who flatters someone in position or power for personal gain
TYRO - someone new to a field or activity
VAPID - a person without any sparkle, flavour; lacks intelligence or imagination

VERSATILE - competent in many areas
VINDICTIVE - revengeful; unwilling to forgive
VIRAGO - fierce, unpleasant woman who shouts a lot
VIRTUOSO - extremely skilled at something, especially playing an instrument or performing
VIVACIOUS - attractively energetic and enthusiastic
VULGARIAN - a vulgar person; crude; lacking taste; ostentatious
WANTON -- a person indulging in every passion, lewd and lustful
WORKAHOLIC - someone with a compulsive need to work and finds it difficult not to work

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