Sunday, 20 December 2015

Words Followed By Appropriate Prepositions (Noun)

Words Followed By Appropriate Prepositions

Abhorrence of ingratitude.
Ability for or in some work.
Abstinence from wine.
Abundance of food.
Access to a person or place.

Accession to the throne.
(In) accordance with rule.
Accusation of theft.
Acquaintance with a person or a thing. But make the acquaintance of a person.
Adherence to a plan or cause.
 Admission to a society of persons or class or things.
Admission into or to a place.
Advance (progress) of learning.
 Advance (of a person) in knowledge.
(To take) advantage of someone's mistake.
(To gain) an advantage over someone.
 (To have) the advantage of anyone.
Affection for a person.
Allegiance to a person.
Alliance with a person or state.
Allusion to something.
Ambition for distinction.
Amends for some fault.
Antidote to some poison.
Antidote against infection.
Anxiety for anyone's safety.
Apology for some fault.
Appetite for food.
Application to books.
Application for employment.
Apprehension of danger.
Approach to (attitude towards) anything.
Aptitude for mathematics.
Arrival at a place.
Arrival in a country or large town.
 Arrival in London, Paris, etc.
Aspiration after or for fame.
Assent to an opinion.
Assurance of help.
Atonement for sin.
Attachment to a person or thing.
Attack on a person or place.
 Attendance on a person.
Attendance at a place.
Attention to study.
Attraction to or towards a thing.
Authority over a person.
Authority on a subject.
Authority for saying or doing.
Aversion to or from a person or thing.
 Bar to success.
Bargain with a person.
Bargain for a thing.
Battle with anyone.
Beneficence to the poor.
Benevolence towards the poor.
Bias towards a thing.
Blindness to one's own faults.
 Candidate for election.
Capacity for mathematics.
Care for his safety.
Care of his books.
Cause for anxiety.
Cause of trouble.
Caution against error.
Certainty about a matter.
Certificate of good conduct.
Cessation from work.
Charge of murder. (Noun)
Charge with murder. (Verb)
Claim on or against someone.
Cloak for vice.
Comment on something said.
Commerce with a country.
Compact with a person.
Comparison to or with a person or thing
Compassion for a person.
Compensation for a loss.
Competition with a person.
Competition for a thing.
Complaint against a person.
Complaint about a thing.
Compliance with a request.
Complicity in a crime.
Concession to a demand.
Concurrence with a person.
Concurrence in a proposal.
Condemnation to death.
Condolence with a person.
Confidence in a person.
Conformity with anyone's views.
Conformity to rule.
Connection with a person or thing.
Consciousness of guilt.
Consideration for a person.
Consideration of a thing.
Contact with something.
(A)contemporary of some person.
(B)Contempt for a person or thing.
(C)(A) contrast to a person or thing.
 (In) contrast with a person or thing.
Contribution to a fund.
Contribution towards some project.
 Control over a person or thing.
Controversy with a person.
Controversy on or about something.
Conversation with a person.
Conviction of guilt.
Co-partner with a person.
Co-partner in something.
Copy from nature.
Correspondence with a person.
 Correspondence to a thing.
Craving for anything.
Decision on some case.
Delight in a person or thing.
Deliverance from a danger.
Dependence on a person or thing.
Descent from ancestors.
Desire for wealth.
Deviation from rule.
Digression from a subject.
Disagreement with a person.
Discouragement of a person.
(A)discouragement to a person.
(B)Disgrace to a person.
Disgust at meanness.
Dislike of or for a person or thing.
 Dissent from a proposal.
Distaste for mathematics.
Distrust of a person or thing.
Dominion over sea and land.
 Doubt of or about a thing.
Drawback to success.
Duty to a person.
Eagerness for distinction.
 Economy of time.
Eminence in painting.
Encroachment on one's rights.
 Endeavour after happiness.
 Endurance of pain.
Engagement in a business.
 Engagement with a person.
Engagement (to marry) to.
 Enmity for or with a person.
 Entrance into a place.

Envy at (or of) another's success.
Equality with a person.
Escape from punishment.
Esteem for a person.
Estrangement from a person.
Evasion of a rule.
Exception to a rule.

(Make) an exception of some person or thing.
Excuse for a fault.
Exemption from a penalty.
 Experience of a thing.
Experience in doing something.
Exposure to danger.
Failure of a plan.
Failure of a person in something.
Faith in a person or thing.
Familiarity with a person or thing.
Fine for an offence.
Fitness for some position.
Fondness for anything.
Freedom from care.
Freedom of action,
(Has) a genius for mathematics.
(Is) a genius in mathematics.
Glance at a person or thing.
Glance over a wide surface.
Gratitude for a thing.
Gratitude to a person.
Greediness for a thing.
Grief at an event.
Grief for a person.
Guarantee for or of a man's honesty.
 Guess at the truth.
Harmony with anything.
Hatred of or for a person.
Hatred of a thing.
Heir to some property.
Heir of some person.
 Hindrance to anything.
Hint at some reward.
Hope of better luck. (Noun)
 Hope for better luck. (Verb)
 Hostility to a person or cause.
Identify with a person or thing.
Immersion in water.
 Impediment to progress.
 Imputation of guilt.
Imputation against someone.
 Incentive to industry.
Inclination for or to study
Independence of help.
Indifference to heat or cold.
 Indulgence in wine.
 Indulgence to a person.
Inference from facts.
Infliction of punishment.
 Influence over or with a person.
 Influence on anyone's actions.
Inkling of a secret.
Inquiry into circumstances.
 Insight into a man's character.
 Instruction in music.
Intercourse with a person.
 Interest in a subject.
Interest (influence) with a person.
Interference in or with a man's affairs.
 Interview with a person.
Intimacy with a person.
Intrusion into a man's house.
 Invitation to a dinner.
Irruption into a country.
Irruption by invaders.
Jest at a man's bad luck.
 Joy in his good luck.
Judge of a matter.

Jurisdiction over a province.
 Jurisdiction in a lawsuit.
 Justification of or for crime.
 Key to a mystery.
Laxity in morals.
Lecture on a subje:t.
 Leisure for amusement.
 Leniency to prisoners.
 Liability to an illness.
Libel on a person.
Libel against his character.
 Likeness to a person or thing.
Liking for a person or thing.
Limit to a man's zeal.
Longing for or after a thing.
 Look at a thing.
Lust for money.
Malice against a person.
 Margin for losses.
Martyr for a certain cause.
 Match for a person.
Menace to public health.
Motive for action.
Necessity for anything.
Necessity of the case.
 Need for assistance.
 (In) need of assistance.
 Neglect of duty.
Neglect in doing a thing.
Nerve for riding.
Nomination of a person.
Nomination to a post.
Obedience to orders, parents, etc.
Objection to a proposal.
Obligation to a person.
Obstruction to traffic.
Offence against morality.
(Take) offence at something done.
Operation on a person or thing.
Opportunity for action.
Opposition to a person.
Order for or against doing a thing.
 Outlook from a window.
Outlook on the sea.
Partiality for flatterers.
 Partnership in a thing.
Partnership with a person.
 Passion for gambling.
(At) peace with all men.
Penance for some fault.
Penetration into motives.
 Penitence for some fault.
Perseverance in well-doing.
Persistence in an attempt.
Piety towards God.
Pity for sufferers.
Popularity with neighbours.
Postscript to a letter.
Power over a person.
Precaution against infection.
 Preface to a book.
Preference for one thing.
Preference to or over another thing.
 Prejudice against a person.
 Preparation for action.
Pretension to learning.
Pretext for interference.
 Pride in his wealth.
(Noun) Prides himself on his wealth. (Verb)
 Proficiency in mathematics.
 Profit to the seller.
Progress in study.
Proof of guilt.(Noun)
 Proof against temptation. (Adj.)
Proportion of three to one.
Protest against proceedings, decision, etc.

(In) Pursuance of an object.
Qualification for office.
Quarrel with another person.
Quarrel between two persons.
Question on a point.
Ratio of one to five.
Readiness at figures. Readiness in answering. Readiness for a journey.
Reason for a thing.
Reason against a thing.
 Recompense for labour.
Reference to a person or thing.
Reflections on a man's honesty.
Regard for a man's feelings.
(In or With) regard to that matter.
Regret for something done.
Relapse into idleness.
 Relation of one thing to another.
 Relation between two things.
 Relations with a person.
Reliance on a man's word.
Relish for food.
Remedy for or against snakebite.
Remonstrance with a person.
Remonstrance against his conduct.
 Remorse for a crime.
Repentance for sin.
Reply to a letter.
Reputation for honesty.
Request for a thing.
Resemblance to a person or thing.
Resignation to fate.
Resistance to injustice.
Resolution into elements.
Resolution on a matter.
Respect for a man or his office.
(In) respect of some quality.
(With) respect (to) a matter.
 Responsibility to the law.
Responsibility for action.
 Result of a proceeding.
 Reverence for age.
Revolt against authority.
 Rival in anything.
Rival for a position.
Rivalry with a person.
Satire on or upon a person, book, etc.
 Satisfaction for some fault.
Search for or after wealth.
(In) search of wealth.
Shame at or for his fault.
 Share of thing.
Share with a person.
Sin against God.
(A) slave to avarice.
(The) slave of avarice.
Slur on his character.
Sneer at good men.
Sorrow for his misfortunes.
 Specific for or against fever.
Speculation in bank shares.
Stain on one's character.
Subjection to the laws.
Submission to authority
Subscription to a fund.
Subsistence on rice.
Succession to an estate.
Supplement to a book.
Surely for a person.
Suspicion of his intentions.
 Sympathy with or for the poor.
Sympathy with a cause or with a person's views.
Taste (experience) for hard work.
 Taste (liking) for hard work.
 Temperance in diet.
Temptation to evil.
Testimony to his character.

Testimony against his character.
Traitor to his country.
Trespass against the law.
Trust in his honesty.
(In) unison with his character.
(We have no) use for that.
 (What is the) use of that?
 (There is no) use in that.
 (At) variance with a person.
(A)   victim to oppression.
(B)       (The) victim of oppression.
Victory over his passions.
Want of money.
Warrant for his arrest.
 Witness of or to an event.
Wonder at his rudeness.
Yearning for his home.
Zeal for a cause.
Zest for enjoyment.

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