Sunday, 20 December 2015

Words Followed By Appropriate Prepositions (ADV)

Words Followed By Appropriate Prepositions
Abandoned to his fate.
 Abounding in or with fish.
Absorbed in study.
Acceptable to a person.
Accomplished in an art.
Accountable to a person.

Accountable for a thing.
Accurate in his statistics.
Accused of a crime.
Accustomed to riding.
Acquainted with a person or thing.
Acquitted of a charge.
Adapted to his tastes.
Adapted for an occupation.
 Addicted to bad habits.
Adequate to his wants.
Affectionate to a person.
 Afflicted with rheumatism.
Afraid of death.
Agreeable to his wishes.
Alarmed at a rumour.
Alien to his character.
 Alienated from a friend.
Alive to the consequences.
Allied to a thing.
Allied with a person or country.
 Amazed at anything.
Ambitious of distinction.
Angry at a thing.
Angry with a person.
Annoyed at a thing.
Annoyed with a person for saying or doing something.
Answerable to a person.
 Answerable for his conduct.
 Anxious for his safety.
 Anxious about the result.
Applicable to a case. .
Appropriate to an occasion.
 Ashamed of his dullness.
 Associated with a person.
Associated in some business.
 Assured of the truth.
Astonished at his rudeness.
 Averse to hard work.
Aware of his intentions.
 Backward in mathematics.
Based on sound principles.
Bent on doing something.
 Beset with difficulties.
Betrayed to the enemy.
Betrayed into the enemy's hands.
Blessed with good health.
 Blessed in his children.
Blind to his own faults.
 Blind in one eye.

Boastful of his wealth.
Born of rich parents.
Born in England.
Bought of a person.
Bound in honour.
Bound by a contract.
 (Ship) bound for England.
 Busy with or at his lessons.
Capable of improvement.
 Careful of his money.
 Careful about his dress.
Cautious of giving advice.
Certain of success.
Characterised by a thing.
Characteristic of a person.
Charged to his account.
Charged (loaded) with a bullet.
Charged with (accused of) a crime.
Clear of blame.
Close to a person or thing.
Clothed in purple.
Committed to a course of action.
 Common to several persons or things.
Comparable to something else.
Competent for certain work.
Composed of a material.
Concerned at or about some mishap.
Concerned for a person's welfare.
Concerned in some business.
Condemned to death.
Conducive to success.
 Confident of success.
Congenial to one's tastes.
Congratulated on his success.
Conscious of a fault.
Consistent with the facts.
Conspicuous for honesty.
Contemporary with a person or event.
Contented with a little.
Contrary to rule.
Contrasted with something else.
Conversant with persons or things.
Convicted of a crime.
Convinced of a fact.
Correct in statement.
Coupled with something else.
Covetous of other men's goods.
Creditable to his judgment.
Cured of a disease.
Customary fora person.
Deaf to entreaties.
Defeated in battle.
Defective in point of style.
Deficient in energy.
Delighted with success.
Dependent on a person or thing.
Deprived of some good thing.
Deserving of praise.
Designed for a purpose.
Desirous of success.
Despairing of success.
Destined for the bad.
Destitute of money.
Determined on doing a thing.
Detrimental to health.
Devoid of foundation.
Different from something else.
 Diffident of success.
Diligent in business.
Disappointed of a thing not obtained.
Disappointed in thing obtained.
Disappointed with a person or thing.
Disgusted with a thing.
Disgusted at or with a person.
Dismayed at a result.
Displeased with a person.
 Disqualified for a post.
Disqualified from competing.
Distinct from something else.

Distracted with pain.
Distrustful of a man's motives.
Divested of office.
Doubtful or dubious of success.
Due to some cause.
Dull of understanding.
Eager for distinction.
Eager in the pursuit of knowledge.
Earnest in his endeavours.
Easy of access.
Educated in the law.
Educated for the bar.
Effective for a purpose.
Eligible for employment.
Eminent for his learning.
Employed in gardening.
Empty of its contents.
Endeared to all men.
Endowed with natural ability.
Engaged to some person.
Engaged in some business.
Engraved on the memory.
Enraged at something done.
Entangled in a plot.
Entitled to a hearing.
Enveloped in mist.
Envious of another's success.
Equal to the occasion.
Essential to happiness.
Exclusive of certain items.
Exempted or exempt from a fine.
 Exhausted with labour.
Exonerated from blame.
Exposed to danger.
Expressive of his feelings.
Faithful to a master.
False of heart.
False to his friends.
Familiar with a language.
Familiar (well known) to a person.
Famous for his learning.
Fascinated with or by a person or thing.
 Fatal to his prospects.
Fatigued with travelling.
Favourable to his prospects.
Favourable for action.
Fearful of consequences.
Fertile in resources.
Fit for a position.
Flushed with victory.
Foiled in an attempt.
Fond of music.
Foreign to the purpose.
Founded on fact.
Fraught with danger.
Free from blame.
Fruitless of results.
Full of persons or things.
Gifted with abilities.
Glad of his assistance.
Glad at a result.
Good for nothing.
Good at cricket.
Grateful for past kindness.
Greedy of or after or for riches.
Guilty of theft.
Healed of a disease.
Heedless of consequences.
Held in high esteem.
Honest in his dealings.
Honoured with your friendship.
Hopeful of success.
Horrified at the sight.
Hostile to my endeavours.
 Hungry after or for wealth.
Hurtful to health.
Identical with anything.
Ignorant of English.

III with fever.
Imbued with confidence.
Immaterial to the point.
 Immersed in water.
Impatient of reproof.
Impatient at an event.
 Impatient for results.
Imperative on a person.
Impertinent to his master.
Implicated in a crime.
Inclined to laziness.
 Inclusive of extras.
Incumbent on a person.
Indebted to a person.
Indebted for some kindness.
Indebted in a large sum.
Independent of his parents.
Indifferent to heat or cold.
 Indignant at something done.
Indignant with a person.
Indispensable to success.
Indulgent to his children.
 Infatuated with a person.
 Infected with smallpox.
Infested with rats.
Inflicted on a person.
 Informed of a fact.
Inherent in his disposition.
 Inimical to a person.
 Innocent of a charge.
 Insensible to shame.
 Inspired with hope.
Intent on his studies.
 Interested in a person or thing Intimate with a person.
Introduced to a person.
Introduced into a place.
 Invested with full powers.
Invested in stocks and shares.
Involved in difficulties.
Irrelevant to the question.
Irrespective of consequences.
 Jealous of his reputation.
Lame in one leg.
Lavish of money.
Lavish in his expenditure.
 Lax in his morals.
Level with the ground.
 Liable to error.
Liable for payment.
Liberal of his advice.
Limited to a certain area.
Lost to all sense of shame.
Loyal to the government.
Mad with disappointment.
Made for a teacher.
Made of iron.
Meet for a rich man.
Mindful of his promise.
 Mistaken for a traveller.
Mistaken in a belief.
Moved to tears.
Moved with pity.
Moved at the sight.
Moved by entreaties.
 Natural to a person.
Necessary to happiness.
Neglectful of his interests.
 Negligent of duty.
Negligent in his work.
 Notorious for his misdeeds.
Obedient to parents.
Obligatory on a person.
Obliged to a person.
Obliged for some kindness.
 Obstinate in his resistance.
Occupied with some work.
Occupied in reading a book.
Offended with a person.

Offended at something done.
Offensive to a person.
Open to flattery.
Opposed to facts.
Overcome with sorrow, Overwhelmed with grief.
 Painful to one's feelings.
Parallel to or with anything.
Partial to the youngest son.
Patient to suffering.
Peculiar to a person or thing.
Polite in manners.
Polite to strangers.
 Poor in spirit.
Popular with schoolfellows.
 Popular for his pluck.
Possessed of wealth.
 Possessed with a notion.
 Precious to a person.
Pre-eminent above the rest.
 Pre-eminent in cleverness.
Preferable to something else.
Prejudicial to his interests.
Preliminary to an inquiry.
Prepared for the worst.
(A) preventive of fever (noun)
Previous to some event.
Productive of wealth.
 Proficient in mathematics.
 Profitable to an investor.
Profuse with his money.
 Profuse in his offers.
Prone to idleness.
Proper for or to the occasion.
Proud of his position.
 Pursuant to an inquiry.
 Qualified for teaching music.
Quick of understanding.
Quick at mathematics.
 Radiant with smiles.
Ready for action.
Ready in his answers.
Reconciled to a position.
Reconciled with an opponent.
Reduced to poverty.
Regardless ofconsegences.
Related to a person.
Relative to a question.
Relevant to the point.
 Remiss in his duties.
Remote from one's intentions.
 Repentant of his sin.
Repugnant to his wishes.
Repulsive to his feelings.
Requisite to happiness.
Requisite for a purpose.
Resolved into its elements.
Resolved on doing a thing.
Respectful to or towards one's superiors.
 Responsible to a person.
 Responsible for his actions.
Restricted in means, ability, etc.
Restricted to certain persons.
Revenged on person for doing something.
Rich in house property.
Rid of trouble.
Sacred to a man's memory.
 Sanguine of success.
Satisfactory to a person.
Satisfied with his income.
Secure from harm.
Secure against an attack.
Sensible of kindness.
Sensitive to blame.
Serviceable to a person.
Shocked at your behaviour.
Shocking to everyone.
 Short of money.

Silent about or on a subject.
 Similar to a person or thing.
Skilful in doing a thing.
 Slow of speech.
Slow in making up his mind.
 Slow at accounts.
Solicitous for your safety.
Sorry for someone.
Sorry about an occurrence.
 Sparing of praise.
Stained with crimes.
Startled at a sight.
Steeped in vice.
Strange to a person.
Strange in appearance.
 Subject to authority.
Subordinate to a person.
 Subsequent to another event.
Sufficient for a purpose.
Suitable to or for the occasion.
Suited to the occasion.
Suited for a post.
Sure of success.
Suspicious of his intentions.
Sympathetic with sufferers.
Tantamount to a falsehood.
Temperate in his habits.
Thankful for past favours.
Tired of doing nothing.
Tired with his exertions.
Transported with joy.
True to his convictions.
 Uneasy about consequences.
Useful for a certain purpose.
Vain of his appearance.
Veiled in mystery.
Versed in a subject.
Vested in a person.
Vexed with a person fordoing something Vexed at or about a thing.
 Victorious over difficulties.
Void of meaning.
Wanting in common sense. Wary of telling secrets.
Weak of understanding.
 Weak in his head.
Weary of doing nothing.
 Welcome to my house.
Worthy of praise.
Zealous for improvement.
Zealous in a cause.

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